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Carol Color Labs, NYC

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I am currently traveling in India. I recently sent some slide film

home with a friend, intending to have her bring it to Carol Color

Labs for development. She is having a difficult time contacting

them, and suspects they have closed.


Does anyone know if this is true?


Any other recommendations for color labs?



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I just called Carol Pro Color Labs' phone number, and it has been disconnected.


As per other recommendations - there are many fine pro labs in New York.


My first choice would be Modernage, located at 1150 Avenue of the Americas @ 44th Street. I used to use them when they had a Wall Street location (closed after 9/11). If your friend can travel to 44th and 6th, they are terrific people to deal with, their prices are competitive with other labs, and their product is first rate.


Two other choices that come to mind are: Duggal, 29 West 23rd Street, and Alkit Pro Center, 222 Park Avenue South @ 18th Street. I have not used either lab for a few years(I an just beginning to use print film again), but when I used them they both gave fine results.


Finally, if you would like to save a few bucks, why not have your friend drop in at the Adorama Camera Shop - 18th Street between 5th and 6th Avenues. Their 4x6 prints are very good, and the cost of developing and printing a 36 exposure roll is 4 or 5 dollars less than most pro labs. In this case, I cannot say that Adorama's prints are as good as, say prints from Modernage. I have no current basis for comparison. I don't think you would be disappointed, however.

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Thanks for your help Steven. I actually juist heard back from my friend with a similar report, that Carol has permanently closed. It's too bad, I had been satisfied with their service. Apparently they are now sending customers to a place called Arni Color Lab on West 20th Street. Ever heard of them?
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Unfortunately, I have no experience with this lab. I cannot offer an opinion. I would suspect that if the lab in question has been in business for a period of time, their results would have to be up to snuff, given the competition from other labs in New York - and on 20th street in particular.


I only hope that when you have finally gone through all of your prints, you will share a few of the better ones with us on photo.net.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I certainly will. I look forward to everyone's feedback.


I have decided to go with Loy Taubman Lab, which was highly recommended by several friends. However, I have another question in this vein: when the film comes back from the lab, is it preferable to have it cut and packaged in plastic sleeves, or rolled and uncut? I have heard arguments both ways. Since I won't be able to edit it for several months, I don't want it to warp or bend...



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  • 1 month later...

I used to use Carol Color Labs all the time 5 years ago when I was a student.

They provided good, fast, affordable service with a friendly and knowledgable

staff (people who can actually answer your questions because they do the

technical work). They seemed to be open at all hours of the day and night

which made me feel bad for the late night guys sometimes. Plus, I got 10% off

with my student ID and even more off if I paid with cash up front. I guess the

rent must have went up in that area and they could no longer afford to be

there (since my school days that area has yuppified a lot). I'm sorry to hear

they are no longer in business.


I use ColorEdge now which is a stone's throw away from them and they

provide excellent, prompt, professional service while being open late (M-F

8AM-11PM, S-SU 9AM-5PM) enough so I don't have to rush when I get out of

work to drop film off. A reasonable price list is at www.coloredgenyc.com


A note about ModernAge, I went there (since it was closer to work than

ColorEdge) to try them out and I found out they did not do C-Prints for slide

film. I found this odd since the counter guy said they do it for negatives. He

said they would have the scan the slide and then print from the digital file

(incurring cost for the scanning as well for the printing). I asked him why he

couldn't just make a print directly from the slide and he said, "I'm not the

technical person here." This place just seems like the McDonald's of printing,

the staff is not very knowledgable and they did not provide a price list on their

site which makes it seem a little suspect (they could name a random price

depending if they liked you or not). The storefront is big with lots of flashy

backlit pictures (stereotypical guys in boats, people parachuting...) which

gave me an impression that this place is not for "art" so to speak. Kind of like

a glorified drug store photolab. Actually no, because they are only open until

6:00PM. ICP is a block across the street, I wonder if they actually use them!


When push comes to shove, if you want high end go to ColorEdge, if you

want low end, go to ModernAge.

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