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B&W Slide Film; Scala, TMAX Reversal or other?


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I am interested in obtaining the richest possible B&W slides for my portfolio. I have heard of Scala but never used it; I would appreciate any availible user comments.

I have used the TMAX reversal kit but dislike all the waste; if I need to process only a couple of rolls then the rest goes bad pretty fast (I recall it spoiling in a week or less). Last time I used it (3 plus years ago I guess) I was not delighted with the results; they looked a little flat to me and I had followed Kodaks instructions.

Are there any other ideas out there?


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Hi Stefan,




for nearly 3 years now, I use the Agfa Scala 120 and I love the results very much. The special advantage of this film is, that the material on which the film is produced is absolutely clear. The material on with standard B&W Films are produced is generally a little "cloudy" (I hope you understand, sorry I'm not a native english writer). The purpose of this "cloud" is, to give you very good results of enlargements.

So my tip is, just use that film, that is specially built for B&W transparencies - and for the moment you don't have a choice.




The Standard Scala film is now replaced by a Scala x. The improvement is, that you get better results, if you push the film up to 3200 ASA.




Hope that helps you





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