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Problems with comment server paths


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As of 9pm this evening the comment server doesn't seem to know

that ..../foo/ is the same thing as ...../foo/index.html


It has always ignored aliased directories, but this is the first time

I've seen it get confused this way. I always put the FULL link in the

comment server path, but most articles are referenced from the index

pages using only the trailing slash. This used to work just fine.


I don't know how many pages this will break, but I'm sure it will

break some. Many of the current reviews are now missing the comments

section since the link from the home page uses a trailing slash



I saw the earlier post about problems with trailing slash vs. no

trailing slash. Though this is a different problem I'm guessing the

comment server problem is somehow associated with that and possibly

fixes you made there.


In the meantime, if users of the site find an article that used to

have a comment section but now doesn't, check the URL. If it ends in

a trailing slash, try explicitly adding "index.html" to the URL and

the comment server section should appear.

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Not any more. I fixed the link to include the full path and it should update on the next refresh of the home page.


If you use the full URL with the "index.html" included, all articles will be served as HTML and will appear as HTML in all browsers.


If you use links with a trailing slash (/), they will be served as plain text and some Browsers will (correctly) display them as plain text).


It's a server configuration issue I think and I don't mess with that!

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There is a serious OVERALL problem with photo.net...With DSL I can whizz around the world in and out of websites at lightning speed, but when I open photo.net, Oh God!, things come to a grinding halt....The service is pathetic....Where did my $25(37 Canadian, my money) go to?...I have written to "contact us" without any reply...Such a shame, as there are some very good images and ideas here.....Nobody seems to care....I am looking at other website options, and there are more than I had expected, all with lightning downloads.
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<em>"To Bob, Brian and all the other people running this website"</em>



Sorry Robert, I don't run this website. I do some admin work with the forums and I write articles, but I have nothing to do with the technical, organizational or financial side of things. I don't speak for photo.net and I'm not an employee or shareholder!


I do know that those who do have those responsibilities aren't ignoring the problems that the site has and are working to try to improve things. So far today things have been running fast and smooth as far as site speed goes.

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Like Robert Holmes, I also have not gotten replies to my inquires. For two months now, I have been posting to this feedback forum and emailing Brian about one specific problem (not getting the daily emails) and have never gotten an acknowledgemnt, let alone a solution.


I am very frustrated with this situation. I believe that the photo.net guys are busy working to fix the problems. But it feels inconsiderate to be ignored for so long after repeated inquiries. This is creating ill-will among your (paying) photo.net faithful.

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