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Need Quantum Turbo Voltage Specs

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Does anyone know a reference for the voltage specs of all the pins in

a Quantum Turbo Battery output jack? I wanted to check that all the

outputs of my Turbo battery are correct. I'm having a problem where

it's working properly with some flashes (e.g., my Metz 54MZ-3), but

not other flashes (Olympus T32, Canon 550EX). I believe the flashes

themsleves are not the problem, and I doubt its the interface cords,

so my thought was that one or more of the battery's output pins are

not functioning properly. I couldn't find anything at this level of

detail on the Quantum site. (Neither could I find it on the Lumedyne

site. Since Lumedyne Cyclers use the same cables as Quantum Turbo,

I'm guessing the specs should be about the same.)

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