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Which digital P&S cameras have focus ring on the lens?

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I'm looking for a 5MP (or higher) digital camera with integral lens

that has a manual focus ring on the lens. Any suggestions for

specific models?


I'm still shooting a film Nikon SLR but want to get a digital camera,

and DSLR prices are still a bit high for my tastes. I use manual

focus pretty much all the time hence the question.

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The Leica Digilux 2 and Panasonic DMC/LC-1 (basically the same camera in different colors) have true, feet/meter scale-marked focusing rings on the lens barrel with "stops" at infinity and .3 meters.


The Minolta A1 and A2 and the Sony 828 have free-wheeling focusing rings on the lens, but they are not scale marked - that is, turning them in "manual focus mode" will allow you to focus the lens through the finder, but there is no specific positioning of the ring associated with infinity or or any other distance.


The first two and the A1 are 5Mp, the A2 and 828 are 8Mp - all use 2/3rds-inch image sensors.


The Panasonic FZ-10 has an un-scaled focus ring like the Minolta/Sony - but it is a 4Mp camera.


There may be others. In all cases (even the Leicasonic duo) the focusing is most likely electronic - the "focus ring" is not physically moving the lens around, but sending signals to a micromotor that does the actual moving of glass.


However - most of the cameras I named cost $999+, as much or more than a DigiRebel SLR and its basic lens, and either Leicasonic costs more than a Nikon D70 with 2 decent lenses. So if you're happy with SLR shooting in general, you may be better off getting a $999 D70 to use with your Nikkors.

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Ditto with Andy. You are already in the Nikon system- What's your budget for this digicam you want but doesn't really exist?


No digicam offers manual focus that comes anywhere near simulating what you get with a film SLR as far as manual focus goes- even these overkill 8 megapixel models, so go into the store to see yourself before plunking down your money so you won't be disappointed- manual focus isn't a real full time (or part time) option in the digicam world today. It's not even easy on some DSLR's with these dimmer screens they have today.


You may be better of right now investing in a film scanner & continue shooting with what you've got.

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I have the A2 and a major reason for picking it over others (like the Nikon 8700 for

example) was that it has manual zoom and focus on the lens. The manual zoom is

excellent. The manual focus works, but you do have to turn the focus ring a lot of times to

get stuff in focus. It's in my view good to have as an option at least. I hope that helps.



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Thanks for the help everyone. As for budget I was trying to see if there was anything reasonably priced, ~$500USD. It never hurts to ask.


I definitely fondle camera equipment before I buy, in fact I'd want to see an 8x10 Fuji Frontier print from any digicam I was buying before I bought it.

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