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Digital bug just REALLY bit - Now where to get a 10D?


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Hi all,


Well, after weeks of um'ing and ah'ing, I want to take the plunge

and go digital - specifically the EOS 10D. Trouble is, availability

here in the UK seems to be getting worse. The last 2 places I tried

tell me they have orders going back 2 months plus, or no

availability at all.


The real bummer is I was in Japan last month where everyone seems to

stock them - sadly I was still dithering at that point.


Anyone got any suggestions of retailers to try.





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Peter, with the strong pound/weak dollar/cheap flights combination a trip to NY might more than pay for itself. If my calculations are about right you can get a 10D from Adorama for about 900 pounds - how does that compare with the UK? If you stayed in New Jersey and ordered from there you might even be able to avoid NY sales tax but that would probably need forward planning as the shiping and billing addresses would be different.
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This was recently (01/04/04) posted in a Photozone.de forum: <p>


"Subject: Canon has reduced their prices... <br>


Message: in Germany for some EF lenses for about 20% <p>


See <a href="http://www.technikdirekt.de">www.technikdirekt.de</a> <p>


So you get now:

17-40mm 4.0L for 737,- Euro instead for 849,- Euro <br>


70-200mmL 4.0L for 664,- Euro <br>


85mm 1.8 for 380,- Euro <br>


50mm 1.4 for 350,- Euro <br>


100mm USM Makro 2.8 for 532,- Euro <p>


I don't know if there are new prices for DSLR, because I don't know <br>

the old prices, <br>


but you get the <br>

EOS 300D for 946,- Euro <br>

EOS 10D for 1479,- Euro"<p>



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Be careful on ebay trying to buy a 10D. There are a bunch of scam artists offering 10Ds with BG-ED3 and 4 batteries for $1200 USD. I emailed one ebay auction to clarify and got four emails from different email addresses offering me similar deals and buy 3 get one free deals. Buy from a legitimate dealer that you know and may have dealt with before or a big name like Circuit City or Best Buy. I may even eat the tax and buy one locally just to help keep the local guy in business. Good luck.
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I got mine a couple of months back from www.nomatica.co.uk - the manual is in German, though! (English on CD).

Park are thoroughly recommended, though. Buying the US route you have to budget for VAT - and UK Customs and Excise can get you for it at any time in the future, even if you get away with it now.

UK Canon lens prices have dropped, but not dSLR list prices.

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Thanks for all the feedback guys.


I guess I won't be taking the NY option as I already have a bag full of lenses and won't be buying any more for a while ;>). One quick other question, though - and this may come across as the total opposite of what most people ask ...


It's a helluva long time since I used an SLR with a built in flash, but I thought, since the 10D has one, it could be useful for the odd dose of fill-flash (those 550's can be a pain on family outings!!). So, for anyone who uses the 10D with a 17-35 0r 17-40 as a standard lense, does it cause lense shadowing? I'm guessing yes with the hood, but without?


Thanks again,



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Thanks everyone for your suggestions/recommendations. In the end I went with Park Cameras and am now the happy owner of a shiny (or at leats matt black) new 10D!


Happliy, Park actually had the 10D in stock AND gave me a VERY good deal on it + 1GB storage ... less than the price of the body alone at certain other establishments. Plus the staff knew what they were talking about!


Thanks again

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