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F3 self timer lever very stiff


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Ive recently been using the self-timer on my recently acquired F3HP

(s/n 1903***) and am concerned because the lever is very stiff - as

well as making a (best described as) soft creaking sound, heard when

the camera is held near enough. Could this be because the previous

owner seldom, if ever, used the self-timer - thus something that

will *go away* with regular useage ? Nether the lever nor shutter-

speed dial seem damaged or distorted in any way, and this

stiffness/creaking is all that`s worrying me as to the cameras



So if other F3 users wouldn`t mind holding their camera close to an

ear -- preferably their own :-) -- when moving the self-timer lever

back and forth ... what do they hear, if anything ?

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My F3 self timer switches (2 cameras) have the same action the on/off switch. A fair bit of resistance to get them to move and a slight click when they lock into place. Nothing like a creaking sound though I've never held the camera up to my ear in such a way.
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My F3 has a very clear and sharp "click" when cycling the self-timer lever. It occurs exactly in the same place through the travel of the lever... very precise. The self-timer lever takes about twice the force to move compared to the on-off lever, which is always set to "on" since I use the MD-4's on-off switch to lock my F3.


I also don't think I have used the self-timer in about 10 years on my F3.

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The soft creaking sound of the self-timer lever is most likely some kind of detent. On my F3 only a sliver of the red dot needs to be revealed for the self-timer to work. I imagine the stiffness is cause by an O-ring seal for dust and moisture. Mine is so stiff that repeated use could cause a blister. Repeated use may help loosen it a trifle but I don't think it's ever gone to work smoothly without service. I figure since the self-timer does not supply a pseudo mirror lock-up and the F3 has a real mirror lockup I�ll just ignore this.


I wonder if anyone remembers their F3 when it was new. Was this a problem then? Just curiosity.



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