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Diafine & Agfa APX 400, anybody tried?

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Hopefully I will receieve this developer that is unavailable in my country after my friend gets home from New York and I must say I'm really eager to try it out.<BR>

Right now I use mostly shoot 35mm with APX 400.<BR>

I wonder if anybody have any experience with this film and Diafine? I know it doesn't offer that much speed increase with this film, but Tri-X will do that job.

Just about the only report of this combo I can find is here:<BR>


Is there a reason for this? I don't mind alot of grain, I like it (ie. Tri-X 35mm in Rodinal). I'm an accutance guy rather than fine grain.

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Thanks for the answers...<BR>



Yup, I've checked out the webpage before and a film at 500 is pretty optimal if I use APX 100 at 200 and Tri-X at 1250. I will then have the spectra that I need. All of these films are very cheap to me too, through school.<BR>




The question is just, how will it look? Yeah, I know, I could wait and try :) But I'm so curious! :)

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Yup, I tried APX 400 in Diafine a few months ago (via my Agfa Isolette folder). As I recall the EI was around 800. Shadow detail was good, grain was reasonably fine, contrast was a bit flat. Or, considering that some of these shots were under extremely contrasty lighting (direct flash, nighttime outdoors under artificial light), you might say the contrast was "well controlled." Not bad but I prefer Tri-X in Diafine.


APX 400 looks good to me in Rodinal. I like the grain and tonality. It'd probably be even better in Neofin Blau or another acutance developer but, again, I like grain for some types of photography.

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I'm all eager to try it, I might like it as I like not too contrasty negs.

I've tried and tested APX 400 35mm in Rodinal alot but with no luck. Very high base fog and contrast less negs. I will do some more tests later. I've only tried with sodium ascorbate at 1+50 because the times without the ascorbate that Agfa listed was 30 minutes. A little too much, at least for me.

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APX400 was modified a little bit about a year ago. I didn't try it out for myself, but when you look at the gamma-time-curve in the datasheet, Rodinal 1+50 is not a good developer for the new one. 1+25 at 9-10 minutes should make more sense.


Regards Georg

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