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Canon lens rebate and pricing


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Canon has an ongoing rebate offering for a lot of their lenses till

1/31/2004. I want to buy one of their premium lenses (70-200mm f2.8

IS). I was considering buying a second hand one, but really don't

want to take a chance for an expensive lens. (I know comparing to

$5,000-6,000 lenses, this is nothing, but for me this is a major

purchase.) I am not sure this is a good time to buy or not. Has

anyone been monitoring Canon's lens pricing and its trend. Does it

mean that after the rebate offer is over, they will reduce the

prices, probably even more? Should I wait at least after the annual

PMA? I am not in urgent need to have this lens, but to add to my

collection sometime not in too distant future. Does anyone have some

kind advices in this situation?


As always, thanks!

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I bought the 24-70L and 70-200L and thought the ongoing rebate was a nice bonus - however - I was paid one rebate, and stiffed on the other rebate, (plus the "double the money" for buying two lenses at once"). Don't count on Canon's rebate program paying out - even though it is not a consideration in your purchase - just stating a fact. I love their products, but their customer service so far is a "crock"
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doesn't matter who from, rebates are always kind of unreliable. It took me almost 6-months to get one out of dell a while back, but it was $250 so it was worth the annoyance. With smaller ones the comapnies rely on 2/3 of the purchasers not bothering or screwing something up (no matter how minor). So, if you can get a rebate, cool. However, don't include it as part of the purchasing desicion.


Yes Canon will do more rebates, No they won't drop their prices afterwards.

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Canon contracts with a third pary to handle rebates (as most places do). For some reason, they missed the clauses on the rebate forms that gives you double or triple (and allows up to three lenses per household). A couple of folks have reported calling the rebate house and getting a manager on the phone to straighten things out. Another reported calling Canon, and actually getting Canon to send them a check to make up the difference.


As always, YMMV, but you shouldn't sit still when a rebate house tries to screw you over. If you have a copy of all materials sent (and you should always do so), you should be able to pursue this and get what you are entitled to. And if you don't, make sure you complain loud and long to Canon. They need to know when a rebate contractor screws up. It's bad PR, and loses customers. A lost customer is very difficult to ever get back.


Good luck.

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Marcus quoth:

>>>Yes Canon will do more rebates, No they won't drop their prices afterwards.


I've read that the reason for all this is the varying exchange rates US vs. Yen. When the exchange would normally force a price reduction in the US, it is preferable to run a rebate, rather than dropping prices. Then, when the exchange rate gets worse again, Canon can just drop the rebates, rather than raising prices.


Makes sense to me.


Also, it helps with another issue: channel stock (both dealer and distributor). If a dealer (or distributor) has 30-45 days of inventory in the channel, they are already on the hook for the old price. If Canon drops prices, it puts them on the spot -- do they swallow the difference, or do they try to get Canon to refund them, etc. etc. It gets complicated.


Instead, if the manufacturer offers a rebate (via a 3rd party fullfillment house in most cases) directly to the customer, it solves the channel problems, and not incidently, puts the onus on the end-user to do all the legwork to get his rebate.


And yes, a large percentage of folks never bother to send in for their rebates, or other problems (lack of a U.S. warranty card for grey market imports) interfere with the redemption process. So, in this case, the manufacturer looks good (by offering the rebate) buts comes out better because of the poor consumer track record for getting off their duff and getting the paperwork turned in on time.


Retailing -- gotta' luv it. 8-)

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