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110ss xl with super graphic


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A 100mm Wide Field Ektar just hangs on the rear of the Moveable Rails (body portion fixed) enough to focus without having to use the standard lock. A 75mm would have to be focused by releasing the standard lock, pulling/pushing the standard by hand, then relocking the standard. A Super/Super Speed body has 3 incles between bed and ground glass when closed, 2 3/8 between ground glass and rails when closed.
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Thanks for the responses,

If the B&H site is correct the lens is 2.4" long. So according to Frank's information the lens will only fit in a closed body if the lens squeazes between the rails as the door closes (if I understand everything correctly here).

Thanks for offer Leonard. I wouldn't want you to go to the trouble (and risk) of trying to close the lens in your super graphic. It would be wonderful though if you could let me know if it looks like there is enough room between the rails for the lens to fit through when the door is closed.

Additionally, have any of you used the rangefinder focusing of the super graphic. If so how did (does) it work out for you. Is there enough contrast for it to be useable. How is it compared to a technika.

Congratulations on the adoption Frank. I saw your post on another forum. We have two children from China ourselves. If you have any questions about what to bring on the trip email me. Taking pictures of the kids is what got me into photography in the first place. And because of them I'm trying to make my 4x5 setup more versatile since I don't have the time to get out the monorail anymore.

Best Regards,


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