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Firework: Reala vs Gold

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I would say use Superia X-tra 400ISO EI@ 320ISO and shoot at 1/60 or 1/30 when the fireworks is just about finished. I would bet hands down that Reala would be a better choice. A Pro quality film is much better than that consumer stuff.But then again, I hate Kodak products.
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Most advice I have seen recommends a slow speed film, with long exposures, to both capture multiple bursts and long "trails" of light. Pop Photo has a little piece with some recommendations in this months issue.


8 sec exposures: f/5.6 @ISO 50; f/8 @ ISO 100; f/11 @ ISO 200



I think Reala is acknowledged to have finer grain than Gold 100, so that would be my choice.


Good luck!

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I don't know if grain is important to you. Do you plan to enlarge? If not, other variables

such as color rendition don't matter at al when shooting fireworks alone. You want

something impressive and you don't care how true it is to the real color of the burst

(unless you're doing a serious color study for the fireworks company :-) Hence, use Reala

on something which color rendition matters. IMHO it's a little bit of a waste here where any

consumer film will do.


So go with the cheapest. In fact, if you don't enlarge pass the point where grain starts to

matter (which I'd say should be 8x10). I'd say Gold might be a better choice since it's far

more saturated which perhaps can give an added impression of vividicity (?) of colors.

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What do you want? If it's the ability to get big enlargements with fine grain, and if it's lower contrast, go with Reala. If you're looking for dazzling colors, go with Gold. Hell, you might even consider Agfa Ultra 100...that's a fun film to shoot. It could do some pretty wild colors, but like Gold (maybe even more so), it'll be grainy for a 100-speed film. Have a good time!
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