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Veronica's Revenge


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I did a Google on Photo.net and nada on this book. I have it on

order via recommendation by a San Jose State University photography

professor who teaches a "Contemporary Trends in Modern Photography

Since 1945" and should be receiving it in the next four or five days.


Could anybody comment on the book as to their personal response to

this book.


Thanks in advance.

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RML wrote<p>


<i>Maybe you should first read it yourself, form your own opinions, and only then discuss them with others?</i><p>


I didn't realize this forum was so controlling in nature.<p>


Reasons why I shouldn't need to wait:<p>


Aaaaaah, because talking to people before the fact doesn't trouble me or influence my personal opinion. Think of people's comments like a book review.<p>


Aaaaaah, I didn't know it was a crime.<p>


Aaaaaah, because that's how I like to do things.<p>


Aaaaaah, I'd like to read what others think, while waiting for the book to arrive.<p>


Aaaaaah, have you read the book? :)<p>

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The readings of the few essays that I've had a chance to complete has been very reveiling as to the nature of today's photography and goes a long way helping understand why I feel the way I do about contemporary photography. The term which I have used for some time now to describe contemporary photogaphy; "Photo-Journalism" with an agenda in tabloid form", is an accruate depiction. The reasoning for this sort of style is well explained in the article/essay by Jeff Wall.


The short of the long story, it seems that modern day centemporary photographers don't have the ability to blend the worlds of pictorial photographic art and conceptual art. It's a sort of all or nothing, on or off case scenario. You're either a left brained photographer or you're a right brained photographer. It's almost as if the Corpus Callosum has ceased to function within the teachings of today's photographic instructors and those that are being mentor'd are unable to see and work within the conscrips of both sides of the photographic world and create a much needed blend.


So far I've enjoyed reading the essays that are presented by the author, Elizabeth Janus in "Veronica's Revenge as the readings, unintentionally I'm sure, are exposing the why of the failure of today's contemporary photographers to include all facets of life.


Left brained or right brained, the essays are going to encourage you in your photographic efforts and I'd encourage anyone who has an artistic curiosity to invest the monies to purchase both the book and a highliter so as to go through this book, line by line and gleen from the pages of the essays all the insight it's capable of giving you.

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