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Using Products as Props - what are copyright laws?


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Hello, I'm interested in using an Apple cinema display as a "container" for presenting web images on a

clients website. I will be shooting the photo of my own personal 23" display, and have plans to photoshop

out all logos.


What are the specific laws regarding this type of usage and is removing the logo enough?


p.s. i often see ads where all they do is remove the "Canon" or "Nikon" logos but present the camera as-is

without any modifications.

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You need to see a lawyer. A copyright covers your 'original' creation. Trademark products are registered by the company owning rights to or manufacturing a product. If you use something that is 'easy' to recognize as a product of XYZ Company, you may see a lawyer coming to visit you. [if, as one example, you photoshop in a different logo on Dallas Cowboy cheerleader uniforms and put the images on a X-rated site: you have a good possiblity of defending yourself in a lawsuit.]




A lawyer would be the one to give good advice on using a 'modified' trademarked item in your promotional images.

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You're right, it's not unusual to see branded items (paid product placements?) or even imitation branded items in ads or on shows, in movies, etc. But these are almost always products of large organizations which have legal staffs or are intimately familiar with the applicable laws. But getting real legal advice that actually deals with the specifics of your plans, the display, the website, etc., is definitely a good idea.
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