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The London Marathon 2008 - The Final Mile.


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<p>I had a 'first' on the 13th of this month, the day of the London Marathon.

No, I didn't run in it, I just 'shot an event' for the very first time. I

decided to do this, almost as the the runners were settng out. It felt different

for I soon realised that my best bet was just catching all the

action/reporting/recording with a camera rather than trying to get a '7/7' shot!


<p>Things were fluid all the time, the crowds jostling, the weather changing,

clouds and sun and rain and runners appearing and dissapearing quite quickly. I

guess I learnt a lot that day ~ trying to get the best that I could. I was

conscious of my limitations quite quickly.</p>

<p>It was only when I downloaded and processed the images, that I suddenly

thought ~ 'Now, what do I do with these?'. So much for forethought and planning.

The next step was some sort of display method/mechanism so a 'SimpleViewer

Gallery' was generated. 'What now?' I thought....Anyway, I had a fun day out,

learnt more about myself, my equipment and also met some marvellous

people...even though most of them were 'on the run'.<br><br>I share this with no

expectations...except to share:<br>


<a href="http://www.normalise.co.uk/images_london_marathon_2008/index.html">The

Final Mile. Faces and Images -London Marathon 2008.</a></p><p>...and if I get

any comments/advice, it will all be an added bonus. I think what is quite

apparent is that I should edit quite drastically....</p>

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Thanks Martin. I came back to this collection with fresh eyes this morning, and I agree entirely about a lot of the images not quite being 100%!...but I'm sure glad you mentioned you get a sense of 'a story' I think that was predominantly my pre-occupation when I kinda settled down to the task. Now the next step is to decide how many and which images I should ruthlessly cull.....Any ideas on how I could break it up into sections? Suggestions on how to keep a 'theme' and a 'story' going whilst keeping a sense of a documentary is most welcome.<br><br>If anybody has the time to give me the four figure image ID's that you feel just have to GO ... these indications will be even more gladly received.<br><br> ~ mike.
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