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Simmon Omega 120 Sighting

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<p>As you may have known by now, my classic camera sightings often happen in a movie, usually shown on the Turner Classic Movies channel. Today is another comedy gem showing the bigwig publisher played by Susan Hayward having a personal vendetta against army general Kirk Douglas, in the 1957 "Top Secret Affair". Of course, the real star is the camera. Right at the beginning of the film in Susan Hayward's luxurious office, her photographer lackey sports nothing else but a Simmon Brothers Omega 120 press camera. Very fitting for the time and role. The <a href="http://www.novacon.com.br/odditycameras/omega120.htm">Omega 120</a>, one of the ugliest cameras of the day, was the predecessor of the slightly better looking but equally quirky Koni-Omega 120 series of medium format rangefinder cameras. It's interesting to know that the original Omega 120 did have a bit of market penetration!</p>

<p>By the way, the photographer has his secret weapon hidden under the monstrous figure of the Omega 120 -- an original Minox spy camera, which he used in the attempt to capture the general in awkward moments, which he failed miserably, not due to his ineptitude, rather the general's iron clad discipline.</p>


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<p>I've always loved this camera. Ugly and beautiful at the same time. There's the old saying that an elephant is a mouse designed by a government committee. Looks like a similar influence here. </p>

<p>I seem to recall that in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" one of the wedding photographers is using a Mamiya Press. A close cousin but not as beautifully ugly.</p>

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<p>There's a bit of connection between Omega and Mamiya. Simmon Omega 120 was redesigned as Koni-Omega, with Konica lenses. It later evolved into Rapid Omega, which looked identical to Koni-Omega, but the lenses were made by Mamiya.</p>
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<p>The Omega 120 was the post war adapted for the civilian market version of the original camera. The predecessor was the Simmons Signal Corp.s combat camera (PH-501/PF). It was similar but used film packs and had a focal plane shutter. And it came with an accessory 9" telephoto lens which, if I remember correctly, was made by Taylor Hobson. The telephoto lens was a long ugly thing shaped a bit like a motorcycle muffler. The regular lens was a 101mm Wollensak. The camera outfit came in a tin metal box that would make you think of a can of soda crackers and the cushioning inside the box was shredded newspaper sandwiched inside brown paper sort of like a pot holder on each side of the box. Yes, I had one of these. Pretty useless as a general photography camera. I sold it to Jay Tepper years ago. You can see a photo of one at <a href="http://www.flickr.com/groups/wwii_fareast_pacific/discuss/72157624169119272/">http://www.flickr.com/groups/wwii_fareast_pacific/discuss/72157624169119272/</a> </p>

<p>Forgot to mention, the Simmons were two brothers who never got married and lived to ripe old ages (near 90). They are better known for the darkroom equipment, Omega enlargers.</p>

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