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Rock Climbing Portfolios in Photo.net


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  • 4 weeks later...

I also photograph rock climbing and am always interested in learning technique. One forum I've found that has some information is:




My climbing gallery:




I do not know too much, except these basic things I try for:

1. Avoid "butt shots" taken directly below the climber.

2. Try to get side-on to the climber, better if at the same level (sometimes the ground rises along the cliff, equal to the climber).

3. Try to capture the dynamics, when the climber is trying a tough move. Try to get the climber really extending him/herself.

4. You'll notice in my attempt to do #3 I tend to frame tightly on the climber. I've seen others advise that it's good to get some rock and/or distant backdrop too.

5. Don't center on the climber (for shots including some of the rock)...try for composition following "rule of thirds".

6. Photographs of lead climbers are generally more interesting than of top-ropers.

7. Lighting on climbers is often difficult. Their faces are shaded, most climbing is during mid-day, etc. In order to properly expose the climber, I sometimes end up with a white sky...I'm not sure the solution for that, but one is to correctly expose for the sky and let the climber be a silhouette.


I've never roped in on a neighboring route to catch a shot, but I guess that is one way to do it. I've had an occassional opportunity to photograph from above. This is great for perspective and facial expression. Just be sure and anchor yourself in, and hook your camera into your own harness too! I use a runner looped around my camera strap, hooked to harness loop with locking carabiner.


Like I said, I don't know much and would like to learn more myself.

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