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return album to Millers Lab


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I've posted this in business section but have had no feedback. Briefly, In error I ordered an album from Miller's Lab.

Previously, I've used other album sources (non professional) and each time, I've always been able to look at and

review my final book then go to a check out cart, input my payment info and order the album.

I signed up with Millers several months ago and since this was the first time doing this I did not realize that when

I completed my album and sent it to 'order' that there would be no shopping cart or final book review available.

Obviously, I want to review my order and pricing prior to finalizing my order! I realize now that prices are listed on

their website but it isn't helping me any now.

As soon as I realized this which was not until the following day, a Saturday, (they were closed), I called and

left a message regarding it.

When they returned my call I explained my error to them and they offered me a 50% discount.

I think this is somewhat o.k but my gripe lies with the principal of it. I realize it was my error that I sent the book

to order but I have never seen another company do this where you are not given a final cost and shopping cart to pay

for your book first. I am not prepared to pay the 50% at this time since I was going to wait to order the book

later. Any suggestions or, should I just call it a day and consider it 'stupid tax'?

Thanks for any help!

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It sounds like they had already started your album and are being kind to you in sympathy for your mistake. They are out the materials and labor put into it. And, just because they don't have customer hours on Saturday doesn't mean a shift isn't working in the lab, especially this time of year.


Why not just have them complete it and use it as a sample album so it's not a total loss?

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All I can say is that Millers is a pro lab, so they don't operate like consumer places where you get the shopping cart and step by step confirmation of the order. They assume you know what you want, mean business and don't want to spend extra time with confirmation after confirmation. Albums are only one of their many products. As you found out, prices are listed and not hidden--it isn't as if they are trying to trap you into placing an order without knowing what you are paying. I think you should call it a day and use the book as a sample, as the person above said. Millers is being gracious with the 50% discount offer.
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Thanks for your responses. This album was going to be a gift to my Mom featuring personal artwork so it wouldn't

be something I could use as a portfolio. I agree, as stated above, it is a good offer. However, I disagree regarding the confirmation on reviewing the book and the shopping cart. IMHO, it only makes logical sense to have a shopping cart and price list available for final review of any product when ordering online. As a newbe to album design in general and working with a professional album company it was not something I expected. I would think a simple reminder prior to pressing 'order' stating that by pressing 'order' you are actually ordering the album for completion, print and delivery would be helpful. I appreciate all your feedback and will take it into consideration. I will be sure

to take this point up with the company. I did not know exactly what I wanted otherwise, there would not be an issue here. Thanks for the input.

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Lora--I repeat--Millers is a pro lab, not a consumer lab. If you check, you will find that all the other pro labs do not have a shopping cart or multiple levels of review and confirmation. You can make the suggestion to the lab, but I doubt that they are going to change their entire system to accommodate you. Now you know...
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