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Question regarding Memory Card usage....

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<p>A question came up in our local photography group regarding the best way to get the most 'life' out of a memory card (SD, CF, whatever). It was brought up by one member of the group that it's best to use the full capacity of the card before downloading the images to a hard drive, then re-formating the card in the camera. This makes best use of the full solid state memory array of the card rather than constantly 'wearing out' the first few gigs of memory when, for example, a days shoot doesn't fill the card. Your thoughts. </p>
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<p>In practical terms, this just doesn't matter. First, they're incredibly inexpensive. And not-quite-as-inexpensive ones are made with better materials and have more advanced on-board controller circuits that are very good at mapping around the occasional bad block in the flash memory. The odds are better of physically losing the card, washing it in your pants pocket, or simply replacing it with a larger faster card <em>long</em> before you'll kill the card through anything approaching normal use.<br /><br />Do, though, always format in the camera. That's a good idea no matter what.</p>
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<p>I hear the "always format in the camera" suggestion very often, but never with an explanation.</p>


<p>The camera software assumes that certain files and directories will be present on the card, with specific names.</p>

<p>If you format in-camera, those will be present.</p>

<p>If you format in a computer, they won't be present, because the computer doesn't know where you intend to use the card.</p>

<p>- Leigh</p>


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I have not had problems by doing these, but I am sure not a complete list:


Format in camera

Don't fill the card

Don't erase random images while viewing in camera


I think there is more a chance for losing the card or physical damage. I always:

keep card in camera or a card safe. I know if I don't do these, I will eventually misplace one or even forget about it. We've all read about people forgetting a card was in the clothing and went through the washing machine.


It is great not having to worry about shooting the film when it is "ripe" or use before expiration date, or process shortly after the images were taken, etc. etc. When traving, you can back up to many sources, but with film there is still a chance of processing screw-ups, heat damage, etc. I don't miss film at all! Enjoy the benefits of the memory cards.

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