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Question about a photography related LP

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Sorry to post this question here. I'd appreciate a better place to post it.


I have an LP I can't find any information about and I'm trying to ask a few places about it.


'Famous Photographers Tell How' (Candid CA 1001) (Weegee, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Arthur Rothstein, John Rawlings,

Tana Hoban, Philippe Halsman, Bert Stern, Peter Gowland) with a date of 1958 and contact information of 'Candid

Recordings, 854 Seventh Ave, New York 19, N.Y.'


From what I can figure out Candid Records was started in 1960 with a jazz focus and ceased production in 1961, so

I don't know if there was a prior label named Candid with just a one-note photography record.


I've also contacted Candid Records with this question.


Thanks for any response.

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<p>If you head to a <i>good</i> library, you should be able to read about your LP in the Jun 22, 1958 New York Times, under the heading "Panel on Record". The LP was the brainchild of <A href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Stettner">a photographer</a> named <A href="http://www.loustettner.com/">Louis Stettner</a>, who I suggest you try contacting for further details.</p>
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A detailed answer in less than an hour. You must have a photographic memory (as they say....).


I should be able to find that article without any problem.


I just find it hard to believe that I couldn't any information about it, much less the detailed information you give.


Thanks a lot!

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