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Paragraph breaks vanish editing a post

Mark Keefer

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It's been a long standing problem which Glenn Palm said they're working on fixing. In the mean time you'll have to enter HTML code... < br > < br > without the spaces.


By hitting return after a sentence that you want a line break. Copy and paste that code.


Should show up as such. But in Firefox I have to refresh the page for it to appear.

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Thanks everyone. The second small bug is the words "Write your reply..." never vanishes in the reply box while typing. It does not save in the final post though, so that is good. I assume they are working on that one too, I just never bothered to mention it before.
Cheers, Mark
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I used to be a fan of FireFox, but they kept updating it so often and changing it, my Norton password vault would stop working in it. Months later it would be updated just in time for the next version of FireFox to come out and disable it again. I finally gave up and uninstalled FireFox.
Cheers, Mark
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  • you can also use the "Unordered List" icon. Crude but effective
  • Just press "return" and then the "spacebar" to get an empty line like above
  • if you don't press the spacebar at least once and hit return twice in a row, you exit from the list.

PRETTY DOTS! I love it! Thanks for the tip, Dieter. But now I'll have to weigh if it's worth it to just stick with copy/paste code (thanks Apple for Stickies) or go for the ease of use but more visually distracting dots. Good grief the Unordered List formatting isn't preserved when quoting such text.

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I'm using FireFox and it completely messed up my reply. Turned several paragraphs into ONE huge paragraph, that was difficult to read. Like this which was typed as 3 paragraphs, with a blank line in between.
<br><br>The workaround is to include html bracketed code to force the carriage returns; < br > < br > (remove the spaces), but the spacing will only show after you submit then refresh your screen.
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