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Need a Recommendation for a "non-Panasonic" Hot Shoe Flash for Lumix DMC-LX5


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<p>I recently purchased a Lumix LK5 and want a flash unit for this gem, but not a cheapie Panasonic like the FL-220 flash. I've spoken with the Nissin USA distributer about the Nissin Di466FT and was told it works very well off the LX5 hot shoe, tilts upwards and has greater range than the FL-220 - and it's not as expensive. Before I make a move in that direction, can anyone comment on the Nissin unit and/or recommend other suitable "lighter duty" flash units on the market. Your invaluable assistance is much appreciated. </p>
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<p>I'm sure many people here can help you but the way I read, you didn't make it clear what you want.</p>



<p>not a cheapie Panasonic like the FL-220</p>


<p>The FL-220 is about $150 and you think that is cheap, so you don't worry about a little higher price. But you are looking at the Nissin which is about the same price. Like you said the Nissin is stronger (greater range than the FL-220) but it may not works as well as the same brand flash.</p>

<p>But then you say:</p>


<p>recommend other suitable "lighter duty" flash</p>


<p>that means you don't really want a strong flash? do you? So what do you really want?</p>

<p>For now, I can only tell you that using the same brand you will get more compatibility and the Auto flash will work better. But as I do manual flash most the time, any standard manual flash is fine with prices from $5 to $500</p>


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<p>Panasonic flash units use the Olympus TTL flash technology and are virtual clones of Olympus units. The model numbers are even similar, Panasonic just adds additional numbers. The Olympus equivalent to the Panny unit you own is their bottom line model FL20.</p>

<p>The Olympus FL36R would be a good match with tilting/rotating head and full compatibility/dedication, including TTL.</p>

<p>Any flash unit dedicated to the Olympus digital system, Olympus brand or anyone else, will be compatible with the LX5.</p>

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<p>Greetings! I use a Sunpak auto 383 Super on my Panny G2 with no problem. I've read its trigger voltage is no higher than 6 volts, but please confirm this before mounting it on your camera's hot shoe. As for this particular flash, it is very efficient, with a swivel AND bounce head, full auto and manual controls down to 1/16th power, ISO range from 25 to 1000, size and shape similar to the old Vivitar 283 (which I believe has a higher trigger voltage). Overall, a great flash for today's digital cameras! </p>
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<p>I searched out "compatible" flash units for my wife's Olympus C750UZ<br>

the olyn flash is very pricey<br>

Sakar and other make flash units some are slaves that fiot the shoe.<br>

some "slave" to the buit-in flash, meaning there is NO<br>

electical connection. That would also mean no automation either.<br>

I would Like to get a flash that is compatibe<br>

but without spending more than the current price of the camera.</p>


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