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M6 shutter release button rotating in mount

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<p>I recently received an Abrahamson Soft Release for my M6. When I threaded it into the shutter release for the first time, I noticed a minor issue that had previously escaped my detection. </p>

<p>Since I now had a greater capacity to manipulate the button itself, I discovered that it rotates approximately 1/8 of a turn (probably somewhere between 1/8 and 1/4 of a turn, actually) in its collar. I unthreaded the soft release, grasped the button with the tips of my fingers, and, sure enough, the button rotates slightly. I simply hadn't noticed it before because the button's recessed position prevents easily gripping it.</p>

<p>The button moves smoothly, but not loosely, along its intended path of travel. It has exactly the right amount of resistance and a generally good "feel" to it. </p>

<p>When I place my finger on the soft release, however, the button can rotate slightly. I've always been of a mind that even very slight play in a part that should be tightly fit will eventually cause an undesirable amount of wear, so I will likely get it fixed during the camera's next CLA.</p>

<p>Does anyone have a sense of what the underlying cause might be and the probable difficulty / cost of fixing the issue? In your collective experience, is this rotation common or even within normal production tolerances?</p>

<p>As always, I would greatly appreciate your advice.</p>

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<p>Based on the responses here and on another forum, I have come to understand that this is a relatively common issue of little concern. It is, apparently, quite simple to fix, and I will likely have it examined whenever the camera requires more critical maintenance.</p>

<p>Thank you for your helpful responses.</p>

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