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Lightroom file renaming question

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My usual naming convention for my photos is as follows:




For example, file IMG_04294.CR2 taken today with my 30D would be renamed as:




I use five different digital cameras, and so far I've been using Albert

Bertilsson's freeware Renamer 6.0 with good results. But with my recent

purchase of Lightroom, I'm trying to integrate the renaming process into the

Lightroom workflow.


I've come up with this in Lightroom:


{Date (YYYY)}-{Date (MM)}-{Date (DD)}_30D_{Filename number suffix>>}


... which works great for my Canon cameras which use the IMG_XXXXX naming format

(with presets saved for each camera, substituting "30D" with other model names).

However, it's problematic for my Panasonic camera, which uses PXXXYYYYY (where

XXX is the folder name and YYYYY is the image name) format. The naming formula

above is picking up both the folder and the image numbers, which I do not want.

What I need to do is tell the Lightroom to use only the last five digits of the

filename for the Panasonic camera.


Is this possible with Lightroom?

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Not that I'm aware of, not at present anyway. I rename in a similar fashion sometimes and

just don't bother about it much ... The filenames are only three characters longer, it's not

really much of a problem.


You could write a post-import script to fix up the filenames if you want, I suppose.



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I tend to agree with you.


What I use when renaming (on export usually) is (custom name)-(seq#XX)-(file-number)

where "custom name" is usually a tag indicating something about the use or event for

which the export was done.


One service I use, however, prefers "YYYYMMDD-(tag)-(id num)" as filenames.



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