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John Updike, RIP


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<p>John Updike passed from the scene today, a writer whose books I've enjoyed for decades. A true polymath, he wrote novels, short stories, criticism and several books on "Looking At Art". On 2/5/2006, my wife and I happened to be at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, when I recognized that shock of white hair from the many jacket covers I'd seen, "Looking At Art" and snapped this photo:<br /> <img src="http://www.johnsidlo.com/images/UpdikeLookingDSC13838.jpg" alt="" /> <br /> While not a particularly good photo, it came to mind when I read <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/28/books/28updike.html?scp=5&sq=Updike&st=cse">this NYTimes article</a><br>

Fare thee well, Mr. Updike!</p>

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<p>Years ago, when Phil Jackson was coaching the Chicago Bulls, word 'got out' that Jackson, himself an avid reader, was handing out books to team members on road trips.</p>

<p>Somebody had the bright idea to have Jackson and Updike talk -- on the record. And I remember something Jackson said about "Rabbit at Rest," the last book in that series. Among other things, he said he was troubled because he really wasn't prepared -- yet -- to have Harry Angstrom die.</p>

<p>That came to mind for me as soon as I saw today's news.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Wow, this is bad news. He was a long time teacher at Orange Coast College and was the View Camera "guru". I saw him at school but never took any classes from him. Was well liked, and of course, we used the textbook he wrote with his former wife.</p>
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<p>DOH, I feel like a total idiot, I totally brain scrambled myself to the wrong person. I was thinking of John Upton...when you get as little sleep as I do, it's an easy mistake. As the great Saturday Nite Live character of Gilda Radner...."never mind"....:)</p>
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<p>Thanks for the posting John. When I was working at the Harvard Bookstore Cafe in Boston (many years ago) Updike came and tried to buy a book with an outdated credit card. I told him it was outdated and he asked me to snip it in half. I did so and tossed it in the trash. He paid in cash. As soon as he left my co-worker rummaged through the trash, picked out the card and I'm sure he has it to this day... In fact, this is a great excuse to call an old friend.<br>

Barry, wherever John Updike is right now... I'm sure he's having a good laugh over being mistaken for the View Camera Guru of Orange Coast College...</p>

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