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How Big should a Portfolio Be ?

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Depends on the purpose, really. If you're applying to a school, a newspaper, a workshop, a book publisher, a stock library, a job in a lab... all of them are going to want to see different things, in different quantities.


99% of the time, though, quality is what matters. If you've only got six first-class, relevant images, use them. Don't pad your portfolio out to fifteen images just because some guy on the internet you've never met says that's the magic number. :) Those other nine images that are just okay aren't going to help your cause any.


My portfolios, for what it's worth, are only 5x7. Jeff clearly has me beat on size, and almost certainly quality. :)

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One thing is for sure, editors don't like it when your portfolio consumes their desk, and is too massive and heavy to move around. I've heard a pretty save size is 8x10 or 11x14, that doesn't mean they all have to fit into that crop, but the page its on should all be the same size, and that goes for horizontal prints too, print it either on a 2 page spread, or just crop it and canvas it onto the proper vertical canvas. Turning the book around and around gets annoying. of course the sequence matters, pay attention to colors and camera angles. 10-15 images. and what JDM said, adjust your images to fit the needs of who you are showing them too. a car mag, might not want to see the recent wedding you shot, even if it is amazing. ;o)
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I use a 8 1/2 by 11 presentation folder with lots of 4x5s and a few killer 8 1/2 x 11s. I present most to busines owners; I do commercial photography.Owners are more impressed by tear sheet or actual magazine reproductions. Most businessmen will politely give 5 minutes. Limit your stuff and presentation. Wedding photogs need, in contrast, tons of 8x10s ore 8 1/2 by 11s whatever your final output will be. Plan on spending a lot of time with brides to be. Some good advice here by other reponders.
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Jon- you were asking about a portfolio to sell your pictures or services to someone? Or were you asking about how big your "portfolio" on the site should be?


If the latter, then whatever you want, people will look or not, and of course you can post as much as you want if you are a paid up member here.

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You are only as good (or are only perceived to be as good) as your worst shot. Twenty

mediocre shots do not add up to one stellar shot.


I'm redoing my whole portfolio to "scale down" to only show what I really, really love.


Beyond that, I think if you have a critical mass and a representative body of work, the

exact number shouldn't matter. :)



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