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Digital Rebel


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Does anyone know how the sharpness and/or fallout would be with any

of these lens in combination with the Digital Rebel?


Canon Zoom Lens EF 35-80mm,

Quantaray for Canon AF 28-200mm,

Quantaray Tech-10 CN AF 70-300mm Macro,

Promaster Spectrum 7 100-400mm,

Quantaray 500mm w/2x Converter,


Also, do you know if a Quantaray QTB-7500A flash (dedicated for the

film Rebel G camera) would be compatible with all the settings on

the Digital Rebel?



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Does anyone know how the sharpness and/or fallout would be with any of these lens in combination with the Digital Rebel?

Canon Zoom Lens EF 35-80mm, Quantaray for Canon AF 28-200mm, Quantaray Tech-10 CN AF 70-300mm Macro, Promaster Spectrum 7 100-400mm, Quantaray 500mm w/2x Converter,


all these are bottom of the line lenses, Quantarays are really

sigma lenses and may have compatability issues with canon bodies.


Also, do you know if a Quantaray QTB-7500A flash (dedicated for the film Rebel G camera) would be compatible with all the settings on the Digital Rebel?


Nope, if its dedicated for the Rebel G, its not fully compatible..

It may not be even partially compatible.

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<< so shouldn't they still work with the Digital Rebel >>


No. Canon does not license the technology it developed to have its lenses and bodies talk to each other. Any third-party lens companies are guessing and using as much reverse engineering as possible to come close.


They don't know what Canon is going to change in the future therefore they can't design their lenses to work on cameras not yet available. There's no way to know if your lenses will work with the Digital Rebel without you going and trying them. My guess would be that the non-Canon lenses won't work but I don't have any direct experience with them.

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Rob is right. The Quantaray lenses might work with newer Canon bodies, but they might not, and the Rebel G is not "newer" enough to tell. That's the problem with buying Sigma (Quantaray), Tokina, and some other brand lenses for Canon bodies. Anyway, some are likely to work, but who knows since Quantaray sold several versions of the AF 28-200.


I would guess that you will probably find at least one of these lenses incompatible with the DRebel, and maybe all but the Canon.


As far as quality goes, if you're happy with them on a film camera, they will probably be acceptable to you on the DRebel. Most low end lenses provide a fairly sharp central image area but lower quality at the edges. Since the DRebel only uses the central area, overall image quality *might* actually improve.


The Quantaray flash will *NOT* work with the DRebel in TTL mode, but if shooting with a completely manual flash is acceptable, it will work. Of course, you will have to set the shutter speed manually, and adjust the aperture based on distance and ISO. It's not all that hard, but it certainly isn't all that easy either.

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A good basic question as lenses don't nessesarily behave the same on digital.I've noticed this often when lens testing!

<BR>You may also have compatability issues as the other mentioned

<P>I've used many EF35-80's,a sigma version of the 70-300 and also the 100-400 in a different brand.

<BR>The 35-80 is the only one that stands out as a loser.It's pretty crappy on film and even worse on digital.Interestingly the also-cheap 28-80 consumer zoom works BETTER on digital than it does on film(not sure about the latest version).

<P>Is that 500mm lens a mirror type? If so you'll have more oportunity with digital for getting usable shots.They are quite average on film and no better on digital...but at least you can check to see if the shot is sharp/contrasty enough on digital and try again if nessesary

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