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Digital Double Exposure?

tom lavin

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I've never seen this topic addressed, and I don't know of a digital camera that can make a

double exposure. I'm just curious as to why not. I can only surmise that noise could be a

problem with a bad exposure (and a good double exposure is just two bad exposures

sandwiched together). It just seems to me that a digital camera can do nearly everything you

can imagine - except that............Tom

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I understand this can be done in Photoshop - I've done it many times. However, there's a

completely different mind set in doing it in Photoshop than doing it in the field. The

experimental and unknown output that is fun to do with film it not an option with Photoshop.

I was more curious about the technical reasons why is isn't or can't be done..........Tom

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It cant be done in the tradional sense because, there is no way to work on the same film

exposure in a digital camera, other than the example I gave above. Photoshop was only used

to adjust the curves in that photo. The multiple images of the subject were done in the same

exposure. 15 seconds a darkroom and a flash.

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A FIRST! This is the first time I've ever seen three simultaneous responses to a post on photo.net (all at 8:46 p.m.). Wow.


Sorry about the OT nature of my response; I do agree with Tom about the unpredictability and spontaneity of doing it "in-camera," not knowing exactly what the effect would be.

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Notwithstanding the answers that say that the Fuji and the Nikon can do double exposures, here is my take on the subject. In film the "sensor" is a chemical reaction that is cumulative, or analog if you will. Teh more light that you add the darker the spot becomes. And the process is additive, if I open the shutter once, the light reacts with the film, if I open it again, it adds to that reaction. In the digital world the sensor reports, as a numeric value the intensity of the light that strikes the sensor and then it resets for the next exposure. To get the double exposure the sensor would have to "remember" the last shot and add the value to the new shot. Entirely possible I suppose, but a bit of a problem for the programmer. All of this comes from someone with just enough knowledge on the subject to get in trouble with.

I do appreciate the question, I have some rather old photos of my family that were accidentally double exposed and they are priceless. They accidently juxtapose people in time and space that would be impossible to compose.

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You can emulate a double exposure in Photoshop most correctly by overlaying images with the layer set to screen.


It's additive, just like a real double exposure. That means your background will still have to be half exposed each (best to do at least one with a black background).

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