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Brooks Institute of Photography


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Anyone ever hear of the Brooks Institute of Photography? It is

mentioned in a couple of older photography books that I have, and

made to sound quite venerable. Is it still a reputable school? Has

anyone from photo.net attended? How much does it cost? How much is

cost of living in the location near the school? Would I get a

better education, or be more demandable in a photo career having a

degree from Brooks than say from my local community college?

(Austin Community College) Are there other really nice reputable

photography schools or colleges that offer photography degrees? Are

there better schools than Brooks?

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There was a recent article somewhere in the media (PDN?)(NY Times?)something to the effect that they had misrepresented how many graduates get photography work and how much $$ they're making after graduation.<BR><BR>hold on, let me google it<BR><BR>http://ddunleavy.typepad.com/the_big_picture/2005/07/investigation_c.html<BR><BR>on the other hand, the Brooks students who rent my studio generally seem to know what they're doing... at least as far as taking photos.<BR><BR>caveat emptor
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Right, Brooks is in Santa Barbara, CA. SB is a fantastic location. I lived there for around 11

years. It really is a great place. Anyway, I knew quite a few people who went to Brooks. For

my part I just took pics there. So........my verdict is that if you can afford to g there without

too much stress about the cash, go for it!

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The problem with these schools is that they make the students think they will get the best and greatest jobs right out of school cause they are attending the "best" school for the trade. Which is completely B.S. Art schools are completely over hyped. I went to Art Center so I know it first hand. It's over rated, heavily overcharged, teachers are not passionate, and heavily commercialized. Like Claude said, if you have the money than go for it. But if not, I suggest you try taking a course at your local community college for $30-$40 per semester vs. $13,000. THAT'S RIGHT, 13,000 for 3 months of classes! Well, that's Art Center tuition. But Brooks is not too far behind...11,000-12,000(?). You could also try Santa Fe Workshop. These workshops aren't cheap but they seem legit. They have working photographers teaching the courses.


By the way, a degree in the art world does not mean squat. That's what Brooks and Art Center would like you to believe so they could sucker you into spending $100,000+ for a piece of paper.

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Save yourself time and lots of money by first deciding what field of photography you want to pursue as a career and then seek employment with the best photographers in that type of photography you can find, who will have you. You will probably have to move to another state and city where there is a large, strong market for your chosen type of photography. Work for nothing if you have to, and support yourself with a second or third job. In two or three years, you will know the business, equipment and all other aspects of your chosen line of photography better than anyone stepping right out of school. I guarantee it.


Clients and art directors don't care about where or if you went to Brooks or any other school. They only care about results.


If you want to go to school, take some business courses. At some point, you will probably need a loan to start your business and will have to come up with a "business plan" in order to get one. A record of having taken business courses will help you to get a loan and you will know how to write an effective business plan to impress your loan officer.


The photography business is tough and very competitive. You have to be a good photographer and a great business person to succeed. Don't even start unless you are willing to devote 24/7 for at least the first several years.


Robert Hooper

BA Brooks Institute, 1971

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  • 2 weeks later...

i am currently attending brooks and will graduate with a BA in june. i have many mixed

feelings about photography school. i will make this quick. i have learned in three years

what most people spend a life time trying to learn. I have been able to fall on my face a

couple of times and not lose my job where if i were in the "real world" my chances might

have been lost. the instructors are amazing and as long as they are here the school will

still be one of the best. the "scandal" going on right now has little effect on the students

or the school. if you come to brooks you will work harder than you have ever worked

before but everything you do is photography so what could be bad about that. i have

friends who just graduated and now they are working for penn, lachapelle, thompson and

pretty much everyone else you can think of. come visit see the school and take a look at

the instructors. feel free to contact me with any other questions i will answer what i can.

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