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Brooks Institute of Photography

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Last September I began rearching photography schools on the West

Coast (I currently live in Southern Oregon.) I toured the Oregon

College of Art and Craft, Portland Northwest College of Art

(Portland) and The Art Institute of Seattle. Recently I went to an

open house at the Brooks Institute of Photography in Ventura for

their Visual Journalism program. I've actually been accepted to

Brooks, scheduled to start in May. This process has been a bit

nerve wracking as I've tried to make the right choice. I'm a novice

for the most part but love photography, want to become technically

proficient, and most importantly....seek a career that is creatively

more challenging/fulfilling. Anyway....I like the curriculum at

Brooks but have always had lingering doubts and hesitations...mostly

because of the cost. I already have a Bachelor's Degree so the

general education requirements (except for the 3rd year business

classes) will be waived. Essentially I'll be paying $3600.00

(current tuition) for an eight week session for one photography

course. There are also the significant costs of relocating and

living down there. Recently I came across an entry by Jason Lucas

(020405 08:47 pm) also asking about Brooks. The Seattle Central

Community College was mentioned (and I had not come across their

program in my prior searchs) and it seems like a great program. I

would appreciate any and all comments about Brooks and any

suggestions anyone might have. Thanks very much.

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Hi Holly. Since you've discovered Jason's question and probably my comments about Brooks, I'll add this in response to your question here. First, it seems you've already answered your own question. I think your concerns about cost vs. what you get are valid, plus the cost of living and relocating factors. And while I think a course in business law is absolutely essential to any photographer who wants to earn a living, you can pick one of those up at any community college or university and probably for a lot less than you'd pay at Brooks.

As to which school, I think you should also look at two additional factors, if you haven't already. The student population, i.e., those you'll be working and interacting with, in my view, is important to develop (so-to-speak) your experience and particularized style. It's not just the instructors that nurture you along those lines but your classmates make significant contributions to that as well. In addition, I think you also want to attend a school that's in an area which offers an abundance of photo-ops and a diverse culture. Certainly Seattle, and the surrounding region, qualifies in both those respects, whereas I've always felt Santa Barbara is rather limited. Personally, I attended undergrad and graduate programs in Chicago.


So my own preference would be to opt for a program in a larger city at a school where at least some of the students are perhaps a bit older with more life experience than a lot of younger students, and the instructors are technically good and also diverse. They should also encourage you to expand your horizons while stretching your photographic vision and honing your craft. In those respects, they're each part of the life-long learning experience so whichever school you attend should prepare you for how to do just that long after you complete any curriculum. I think that's the most important thing that any post secondary education can teach. Be well. Best of luck to you. Mark

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I'm glad Mark found your forum question, he's a very nice and informative person. See if you can get in touch with Andrew Stiles as well, he posted an answer to my Brooks question and seems like a nice person as well. He's also attending as we speak so he'd be able to give you an in-depth look at SoCal lifestyle and how the school has been treating him so far. There's another school in Seattle that seems very interesting, for me anyway. It's The Photographic Center Northwest and I plan on taking a few of their classes if not the whole certificate program.


I wish you luck and hope to hear in the future how Brooks is treating you.

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I hope this is the right way to respond! Thank you very much for your thoughtful comments. I'm pretty much in a quandary right now. I thought I was all ready for Brooks, ready to take a chance, and now I'm not sure it is the wisest choice. Although someone recently told me, there are no wrong choices...just different pathways. Maybe. I like Seattle Central Community but I probably can't get in for the Fall start (they only start once a year;) and I'm definitely ready to make a change this year. I will probably re-visit The Art Institute of Seattle as I liked it as well and I believe you mentioned they have an excellent program. I am older then the average student so while it's not "now or never," I'm a bit anxious to get moved in a new direction. Unfortunately there are few educational opportunities for photography where I live which is why I've been looking elsewhere. Another question. Is it possible for someone like me who has a solid employment history (but not in the field of photography) to find any kind of work in the photography arena in order to gain some practical experience? I'm not really sure where to start looking. I hope I am not asking too much. I've got infinite support from family and friends but have not really reached out for advice from people established in photography or searching like myself. I believe my life and work experience will bring a unique dynamic to a photography education and, hopefully, employment in that field, but I've not quite figured out how to build the bridge that connects my current world with the new one I seek. Again thank you..and cheers.


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Hi Jason..

Thank you for responding as well. I looked up The Photographic Center Northwest and am going to check into it further. I also did not find this school when researching initially. Right now I'm not sure I'm going to finally commit to Brooks. I've got a call in to the Program Director for Visual Journalism and will hopefully get some feedback from him. As I mentioned to Mark, I've been ready to make a change this year since last September or so. But I don't want to make a change just to be making a change...especially considering the costs of everything! In my search it had pretty much boiled down to Ventura/Santa Barbara or Seattle (in terms of relocating) and the one thing positive about Brooks is how it immerses you completely into photography; sessions are quick (8 weeks;) and they allegedly help you with internships after the first year. But is this worth the cost of going there? I will also see if I can track down Andrew...thanks again and good luck with your adventure in Seattle.


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"Is it possible for someone like me who has a solid employment history (but not in the field of photography) to find any kind of work in the photography arena in order to gain some practical experience?"


If you haven't done so already, check out the advice given to me by Robert Hooper on my question about Brooks. Very informative and helpful. It's very relative advice (to your question) that's been pounded into my head by my thoughtful brother and many others. I know what you mean about change! I feel it too.

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Brooks started at Santa Barbara in 1943, Ernest H. Brooks. Ernest H. Brooks II, later ran the institution. Career Education Corp now owns it.


I graduated in 1960, was commencement speaker with Hon. MS in 2003.


Fine school, several majors, I recommend it.


I also graduated from USN Medical Photo School


Lynn, Prof. H. Lynn Jones, ACC Photo Technology

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Thanks for your response and information. I recently spoke with the Visual Journalism Program Director (Jim McNay) and he was very helpful in putting things into prospective without pushing his own agenda/feelings about the program or school. I know the Brooks history is excellent. A childhood friend once told me he had been accepted to Brooks right out of high school (a while back from now.) He never went and I could see he would always regret that. What kind of work do you do? Medical photography? I've often thought that would be interesting (I was a paramedic and nursing student at one time but...well, long story. Ended up taking a different path.) Again, thanks very much. Regards...Holly

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Hello Holly,

I thought I would add my two cents. I am currently attending Brooks. I started in May of 04, so I am almost done with my first year. I am in the Still Photo program in Santa Barbara, so I don't know much about the VJ program in Ventura. Brooks is a wonderful school, though it does have some drawbacks. The cost of tuition is the obvious one. Though it is quite expensive, it is somewhat justified. A student has access to any photography equipment under the sun on a checkout basis. Another drawback is the cost of living in this area. It is quite expensive, but the location and surroundings make it a little easier.


I was in a similar situation as you are last year. I wanted to make a change from what I was doing in Pennsylvania, and photography seemed like the most obvious and best choice. So I came to Santa Barbara by myself without knowing anyone. Though it was a little hard at first, it soon became easier and I am incredibly happy in my choice now.


Hope this information helps. If you have any more questions feel free to e-mail me.




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I thank you very much for your e-mail. I appreciate hearing from someone who is going to Brooks. I probably should be a bit more active in contacting other students, but I've been overwelmed lately with the logistics of all the changes ahead. I went down to Ventura last weekend -- finding a place to live will be challenging. And while it is more expensive (then Oregon anyway) and prices seem outrageous at times, it also seems about par for the course in terms of moving into California (I moved to Oregon from Santa Cruz/Bay Area about 10-11 years ago -- things are even more expensive there then in Ventura.) I've committed myself at this point. Even when I get/have gotten cold feet, there is this undeniable undercurrent that it all feels "right." Hope I'm "right" and not just delusional. I'm hoping to find a place in Ventura so I can avoid commuting back and forth to school. I have a feeling there is a fair amount of travelling for assignments,etc. I like Ventura, although Santa Barbara is exceptionally nice. I'm hoping to avoid living in Oxnard, or other cities South and East of Ventura. But I may not have that option. -- Question: Does Brooks follow through on their promise to help students obtain internships? And have you had any experience in them helping you find part-time work (if you are working?) Again...thank you. I hope all continues to go well and I wish you great success. Regards....Holly

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Holly just wanted to toss this out there.You get out of it exactly what you put into it.

I relocated myself from WA in 1991 and Graduated from Brooks in DEC 93 with a Bachelors

in Industrial Photography. This education and experience while there allowed me the

opportunity to work under top professional photographers in Chicago ,New York and a few

from L.A. However I took out and applied for everything student loan wise I could to

graduate, My last 12 months in the program I was also working 35hrs. outside of school

and 20 as a T.A. on campus Yes I graduated. I also had accumulated 37000.00 in debt.

Thirty from loans and seven on credit cards. After Graduating Was when the struggle

began and lasted for the next six years. Now after eleven years in Chicago I am moving

back to WA 3/25/05.To a much smaller market and in a sluggish economy. Several times a

day I get cold feet about my decisions About the change that is going to happen whether I

like it or not. If I learned nothing else in the past fifteen years its that I will survive what

comes my way. There are many paths; CHOOSE wisely,be persitent give it 110%, Then

when the next fork appears CHOOSE AGAIN.

I've never regretted my decision to make the opportunity to attend Brooks.

I even graduated.

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I will be a junior in college next fall and have decided that I am going to fallow my passion and major in photography. I have to transfer schools now since my last school didnt offer photography and am having similar problem about making the right decision. I am from California and am deciding now between UC Santa Cruz, San Jose State or Brooks. Brooks would be my first choice if I wouldnt have to go into debt, however since it is so expensive I dont really know what to do. I too would like any information on the benefits of attending Brooks.
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