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Best news site/place to look for events in nyc


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<p>One wishes there were riots and real protests in NYC..... alas, apathy has got the best of this nation's citizens !<br>

As long as everyone gots their ipod, cheese-stuffed cheese, and a Starbux on every corner, the gubment can get away with anything and the people won't even bat a fat eyelash.</p>

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<p>Leslie - the community center that will contain a prayer area is two blocks away from the WTC site. But yes, there may be protests going on - no riots.</p>

<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=6002860">KahHoe</a> - I have to wonder at your request. What makes you think that NYC has riots on a regular basis, so regular, in fact, that the schedule would be published. Protests and protest marches? Sure. That's our First Amendment right. They may be loud. They may be a bit raucous. They are rarely violent. We even have parades, whose schedule is published. You can check the Department of Traffic Website. I believe the most recent riots we had were approximately 30-40 years ago. I can't remember so I wouldn't hold my breath. I still feel that your focus on riots and protests as the sole focus of interesting things in NYC is a little strange considering all that goes on in this city. Javier's advice is good.</p>

<p>Javier - Grand Central (Station) is a train station (and it is grand!) and there is Central Park (also grand!) so your advice is doubly good.</p>

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