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Monday in Nature, April 3, 2017


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Lots of great photos again this week. Nice to see that it is spring for my southern neighbors, still plenty of snow in my area. This week I worked on photographing cultivated orchids indoors. Backdrops and otherwise lots of hand of man. Maybe next week the weather will break and I'll get outside with the camera. Thanks for starting the thread Shun.
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Same excuse from me. I can only access the site sporadically for a few minutes each time and I'm never sure when that will be.


The site fails to upload and flashes on and off sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. If it is slowly I can sometimes get a quick message typed before it flashes and deletes everything but I can't tell how it will behave until it happens, otherwise I'd be happy to volunteer.


I have tried different OS, Chrome and IE, I have dumped all the cookies and history each time, I have tried coming in from different directions. For the last 2 weeks it's been hit and miss.

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