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I can't let this Leica glow thing go


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The Leitz lenses ARE special. So are the Zeiss lenses.

I've noticed that the Leitz lenses give a different look to the pictures.


Here's my opinion on why the Leica image is different.


A perfect aperture is a perfect circle. For example, Waterhouse stops, which are generally brass sheets with a sized hole in them for a single

aperture. The sheet was inserted between the lens elements. A separate sheet for each aperture.


Modern cameras use diaphragms instead of Waterhouse stops. These diaphragms have a number of leaves. The more leaves they have, the

more the circle approaches a perfect circle. Real cheap cameras have as few as 2 leaves with a 90 degree notch in them, basically a square

aperture. Some lenses have 5 leaves, therefore 5-sided apertures, some have more sides. The Leica has more leaves than any other camera that

I know of, giving it a more perfect aperture.


If you use any lens wide open, that is, without showing any of the diaphragm, you should get the Leica "glow" with it. Give it a try.<div>00RYAy-90301584.jpg.ab61f449a85c942aab15f0ce6d90ce2f.jpg</div>

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Clearly many people reading this thread don't know what the poster is referring to. It is nothing to do with lens flare; if anything, it is the ability of Leica glass to isolate a strong element (like a candle in a dark room) without the light "bleeding" into the surrounding area. And it isn't bokeh either - my Zuiko lenses (especially the 50mf1.4) give great bokeh, arguably better than Nikkor but they don't "glow"...


I don't have Leica but my Zeiss lenses (biometar 80mm & sonnar 180mm) have it - you feel you can reach into the photo and grasp the image - especially in MF. As in this example:


<a href=" ...pressure! title="...pressure! de filtran, sur Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3169/2985636151_b23aa6cc26.jpg" width="500" height="498" alt="...pressure!" /></a>

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<img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2356/2203316276_6fe5659f38.jpg?v=0"><br><br>Fine, then. Mamiya-Sekor glow. It aint exclusive to Leica, if that's what it is. It's more exclusive to shooting wide apertures with good lenses. It's not hard to get 3D separation from small DOF if you have a focal length/aperture/minimum focus distance combination that gives it to you. In this respect, most macro lenses 'glow'. I'm still not seeing anyone offering any evidence that Leica lenses do anyhting better than any comparable lens from another manufacturer, nor offering any examples of how comparable images differ as a result of passing through Leica glass rather than Some Other glass. This has become the Longest, most Pointless thread I've seen in a long time as everyone seems to want to offer an unqualified opinion on 'glow', but no one is able to produce a concrete example that actually illustrates said 'glow'. Seriously, people.
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