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Music for website/galleries

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Hi, I am wondering how to go about getting permission to use the music that is on my website. It has occurred to

me, via this forum, that even though I'm not selling the music (i.e., on DVD slideshows, etc.) that I still should get

permission to be using the songs. So, is there a realistic way to go about doing this? Is there a form I can fill out,

and website I can visit? It seems that the process for this is a little out of my reach (contacting the artist, getting an

attorney,etc.), but I'd rather have really great music than the "free" generic music that some sites offer. Almost all of

the websites that I visit have popular music playing, so please, if you have gone through the process, can you fill me

in? I would like to be fair, especially given the nature of the photo copyrights. Thanks

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For big time artists, the above answer is wrong most of the time. You need to go to ASCAP or BMI (in the US) and you don't need a lawyer. The licensing process is simple, but it may not be economically viable. You are probably better off finding some local musicians and getting some original music.


For Emmylou Harris, who I think is on your site, you're probably not going to want to see the pricing.

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I use <a href="http://www.stock20.com/commerce/index.php" target="_blank">www.stock20.com</a> for my slide shows

and <a href="http://www.geocities.com/stalker+of+the+web/podcast.html" target="_blank">FMP Podcasts</a>. The rates

are cheap the music is decent. <br> So far they are the most reasonable music on the web. Realize these are not name

brand artists, but that is why it is a good deal.

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Personally, I wouldn't use music at all.... However I know some people like to have it on their sites.


A suggestion.... If you must use music on your site - and once you get permission - set it "off" by default and let the viewer choose to turn it on and listen if they wish.


Keep in mind, a very large percentage of internet users are still on dial up. Music will slow your site to the point it's almost unusable by them.


Also, what if someone doesn't like your taste in music? There's just so much variation in preferences and styles that people like, you are practically guaranteed someone won't like it.


Finally, check out surveys. People consistently say they spend less time at and some even immediately click away from a site with music, for the above reasons or for other ones (such as, they are surfing at work and don't want the boss to catch them).


Using a default "music off" setting solves all these potential problems... Yet you still get to have the music on there that you want.

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