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Mamiya C220 C330 weight?


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I'm trying to decide between a Mamiya C220f and a Mamiya C330f (or s)

I've heard the c330 is heavier than the c220 and I've read up the weights on Graham Patterson's mamiya

site. The question I had was, is the weight/size difference very noticible in practice?

also, would anoyone happen to have a picture of them side by side? I've had the chance to handle to c220

at my local camera shop, but not the c330. thanks a bunch!

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I only have a 330f and a 33 which is heavier. I assume I could carry the pair of them all day with 3rd and 4th lenspairs in vestpockets.


IMHO the winding and seperate shuttercocking of the 220 I handled once sucks. Maybe it's worth the hassle if you're a backpacker interested in landscape photography only, but I wouldn't like it.


A good idea in general: Try dryswimming. Fill a apropriate bag you happen to own with packs of milk, chocolate and canned tuna weighing as much as the gear you're dreaming off (at least combined with your current lighter camera) and try it on a long walk. Either you can stand it or you should reconsider the planned purchases.

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I have both cameras. The 220 is noticably lighter and thus easier to handle but you do need to get used to winding the film and cocking the shutter. I do not find that to be a problem, one gets into a rhythm. Also, the focusing screen on the 220 is not as bright as on the 330. I suppose it could be changed but it is not something the casual user can do, you will need a good technician. Both cameras are MUCH easier to handle if you attach the "L" grip.
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Last thought about size: The chimney type finder adds to it but is pure pleasure to use. Grab one if you can. It doesn't weigh more. Take at least care to get the later totally closed WLF if possible.


BTW: only the C330 offers a 2nd Hasselblad like shutter release, which is quite convenient in combination with a dedicated L grip and prism finder.

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The weight difference isn't very noticeable in practice, although if you are going to shoot weddings with it, loading it up with a prism and flash bracket and flash, it may be easier on your back or arm with a C220 at the end of the day. I would think that the feature differences are more important. What are you going to use it for? I could take a picture of my C220f and C330f side by side, but they are about the same size. Why the photo?
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thanks for the responses. From what I've read, I've gathered that the C220F and C330S were introduced at the same time and have the same (brighter) focusing screen. Though correct me if I'm wrong! :)

Oh, and is there a way to tell which is the newer vs older waist level finder? thanks again.

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I have a C220f and a C330s and I probably use the C220f more just because I bought it first. The weight really does not seem to be a factor. I do wish the C220f had the focus lock that the C330s has. Now that I have a variety of lenses I use both a lot and have retired the rest of my TLRs. Just look for one in really good shape and then start looking for lenses.
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One other question I had before I take the ebay plunge on a mamiya tlr is about parallax. The

c330's have the floating parallax indicator in the viewfinder. The C220's dont. My question is,

is it relatively easy to gauge, with practice, where the frame cutoff would be on the c220

viewfinder? I've seen there are some lines in the viewfinder of the C220, but I'm not sure what

they're for. I plan on just working with an 80mm lens to begin with. Thanks.

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