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Rick_van_Nooij last won the day on May 8 2014

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  1. I still haven't finished the roll in the Leica IIIc as off earlier this month. BUT, the weather is supposed to be nice this weekend. Might even load up a Nikon S2 that I've serviced for someone and shoot that for a bit.
  2. And no, I've looked for way to mark them down or report them, but there doesn't seem to be an option for it.
  3. I think if do run into problems of the film disappearing into the cassette you could use the same tricks you use to get the film leader out of a cartridge again, i.e. with a film picker or a moistened strip of old film.
  4. And it works exactly the same for spam images and albums in the member galleries.
  5. If it's anything like the forums I moderate, reported posts go on a list that makes it quicker to bulk-delete them. It saves the mods/admins the trouble of having to select each post one by one.
  6. I normally don't either, but the newest images/albums show up in the previews on the main page.
  7. Hah, as much as I don't like this ad spam, I can't see myself making a living out of combating it. 😄 Let's hope the admins and mods will find a way to block it all sooner rather than later.
  8. Also a lot in the member galleries. I've been marking them as SPAM when I can, but I've got a hard time combining it with my 40-hour job 😉
  9. Couple of snaps from the "Open Museum Weekend" at the Dutch Royal Engineer Museum. Contax II with 50/2 Sonnar and Y2 filter, loaded with Fomapan 100 Classic
  10. Yeah, I've reported a couple more albums in the last two hours. Mostly spam images showing nefarious 'service' call-centers and websites.
  11. Still have a roll of Fomapan 100 in a Leica IIIc after last weekend. Not sure I'll get around to shooting it. Visiting an exhibition on pinhole photography set up by a couple of friends.
  12. Graflex Century 35, Fomapan 100 Not a 100% sold on the focus calibration, and it had some issues with frame spacing, possibly with the film slipping over the sprockets when not held taut.
  13. I bought my 5th Contax II last month with a Sonnar 50/15 attached for $150. It needed a little love to free up the slow speeds again. But both curtain straps had already been replaced at some point, so that saved me the trouble. A well-serviced Kiev 2 will also be a fine user for anyone.
  14. Rolleiflex Automat, 75/3.5 Tessar, Fomapan 200 Creative
  15. I think one of my H.Martin tailboard cameras allows you to take the back plane off the rails and reattach it at 90 degrees.. I seem to recall the bellows turned with it, behind the lens board assembly. I'd have to check.
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