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  1. Oh wow, I knew I had to keep it moving, but did not know it was to keep the edge fuzzy, as you said. Thank you!
  2. Just looking for other options and different techniques or easier explanations. Makes sense though. Lol.
  3. I have tried the cardboard technique, guess I haven't perfected it yet, LOL. What you said about digital work is really interesting though! I need to keep that in mind when working with my digital photography. Thank you!
  4. My professor did show me how to do it, I was just trying to see other possibilities to it. And this is for using an enlarger, which the advice you offered is very helpful. Thank you!
  5. Thank youfor the video suggestion, I'll definitely check it out!
  6. In my photography class, there are some pictures I was told I need to burn in, specifically the spots that are really bright/white. I have tried it a few times but can't seem to figure out a good way to do it proficiently. Any tips or advice that can help me with this? Thanks!
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