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Posts posted by trace_dibble

  1. Your english is fine, but you left out some details; is this a Pentax 67 you're talking about, presumably the older (non mirror lock-up) version? If so, is the 55mm an f4 or 3.5?
  2. You might want to put a Mamiya 124G TLR in your hands; Aside from being quite light, you'll find the optical quality of the lens to be excellent. And it's one of the lesser known great values in photographic history; you should easily be able to find a good used one for $200 or less.
  3. Opinions are like....well, you get the idea. Do not, under any circumstance, make any kind of blanket conclusion based on a single anecdote. If you search the archives of this site and others, such as photo.com, you will find someone pouring damnation onto every make or model of camera ever made. Personally, I've not had so much as a ghost of a problem with mine, nor heard of anyone that has.
  4. Oh, alright, Tony; there's a difference in numerical terms. What I meant to express was my own subjective judgement of the difference in terms of image quality--which to my eyes, was insignificant, and rather a disappointment. Especially considering the difference in cost, which was quite significant.
  5. I've got half a memory of a non-Pentax tele-converter, but that's all--and I could be wrong about that. Anyway, Pentax lenses are so inexpensive, comparatively speaking, that I don't know why you'd want to corrupt your system with a Tamron.
  6. Yours is a decision in favor of pure unbridled reason. Unless you make square prints of everything, the Hassy's format isn't much of an improvement over 645, which itself isn't much better than 35mm, and whatever infinitesimal optical advantages of the Zeiss lenses are forfeited to wasted image area and additional enlargement. That said, keep in mind the P67's limitations: a 1/30th max X-synchronization, for instance. If you're into studio work, you'll want the 165mm leaf-shutter lens. And no--or not very easily--interchangeable backs or screens: You have to return the thing to Pentax to get that stuff done. And a less than 100% view with the prism finders. Other than that, just enjoy this little quirk in the marketplace that permits a camera system this capable to be so inexpensive.

    You have thought well, my son. Live long and prosper.

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