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Image Comments posted by peter_lindsey

  1. There's a funky feel to this one. I wouldn't say it was an outstanding pic on it's own, but as a portrait of the subject I think it says a lot. IMHO a square crop to lose most of the blurred arm and some black behind his ear works better. Give it a try!



  2. It's a question of degree, then? Velvia is not natural colour, neither is the purple canyon. Neither is photography using colour filters, which many here do. Where should one draw the line? That was my point, and the reason I did not appreciate your harsh comments toward the other member's photograph, when you obviously favour unnatural colour of a certain degree in your own photography.


    Not that I disagree with that at all, you have a wonderful portfolio which excels not only because you use oversaturated film. Whatever my disagreement with your comments, Your work speaks for itself in a way with which I cannot argue. Hence my rating.


    I don't know what ice plant is. The photograph is no more or less straightforward based on my ignorance. I didn't recognise the canyon; the photo of which you labelled straightforward, either.

  3. Hmmm, you take a very straightforward image and then you jack the color saturation up exponentially by using velvia.

    That's good photography? No it isn't. Whatever happened to natural light and actually making the effort to capture it?




    Great shot. I can't tell if it's underwater or not? What is it?





    Shooting at ISO1250 and 'pushing' 2 full stops makes for a very noisy picture. It looks somewhat film-like on the Canon 1Ds, but given the shooting conditions I think you'd agree it's much less noisy/grainy than film would have been.


    I'd say digital does have it's own problems for sure. Notably that the original image is colour, so selecting the right balance of colour contribution to the grey-scale image for tonality is something I find very difficult to get right. Hence the request for critique. Thanks all.




    Thanks for your comments. The focusing was intentional. I did take other shots which were face-focused as well, I preferred the pose/framing and subsequent dreamy look of this one.

    It did seem a bit grey on reflection. Here's a quick version with more range. Also sharpened to re-introduce the grainy feel of the original which was lost in resizing.


    I'm not sure I like the overbearing brightness of the couch like this, perhaps it needs some selective dodge/burn.



    I have been experimenting with B/W (created from colour files) for

    some time. This is the first shot I feel worthy of display.

    Grain/Focus/Mood are exactly what I was aiming for, what do you think

    of it? All critique, comments, suggestions welcome!

  4. I love this shot, but it does show the weak point of this lens (I have one) which is major barrel distortion. If I were you I'd fix this in photoshop and then crop the picture to be more symmetrical.


    Very striking picture, well done.

    Bus Driver - Texas

    There is no tripod in this shot. The pole you can see is the one supporting the mirror on the front of the bus. The photographer is obviously taking this shot from beneath and slightly behind (further infront of the bus) the mirror to avoid being reflected in it. You can see the angle of the mirror by looking at the bus to the left. Very creative shot! Excellent results. Contgratulations.

    North shore

    As I posted above, it was taken with an ND400 (black) filter to allow the long exposure which turned the waves crashing over the rocks to a misty cloud effect. The 'consumer quality' film was pushed 2 stops and even then it was underexposed, hence the massive amount of noise.
  5. Makes me wonder how on earth (or not!) you set this one up. Incredible folder... makes me realise I don't need any more equipment, just some more ability.


    I like the no-holds-barred approach to adding the perfecting touch to the final image, too (lights, filters, cropping, colour balance) now I feel less guilty with my D30.

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