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Image Comments posted by wtyler

  1. This image works well for me on many levels. The rhythmic positioning of the heads in nearly straight rows is great - as is the occasional head pointing the other way. The mist gives us a sense of distance and mystery. We can't really tell how many cranes there are, and the more we look the more we see. I like the fact that just one of the birds has its beak open. This gives the image a point for us to focus attention on.


    This photo has a lot of good aspects. I like the color palette, the placement of the bird in the frame, and the diagonal arrangement of the water flow. But somehow there's something missing. I'm not quite sure what, but perhaps this. It seems to me that I don't get a definite impression of a subject. If the bird is the subject, I think I'd like to see it a little bigger, or not silhouetted. If the beach is the subject, and the bird is simply a part of the scene, then I think the bird should be smaller in relation to the overall image.


    I disagree with the poster who thought the head should not be cropped. Including more of the head would weaken the image. At present there are two major areas - the white on the right, and the flesh tones on the left, separated by the black line of the veil. My eye nearly ignores the white area, traveling to the flesh and the fine detail of the veil. If the rest of the head were included, my eye would move on, to look at that area, of less visual interest. Thus the overall effect would be weakened.As it is, there's just enough veil at the left edge of the photo, especially including the fold that makes a dark line to the left (viewer's perspective) of the eye, to frame that side of the image and hold attention on the subject. Very nicely done.
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