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Posts posted by tom_chen1

  1. I have one too. Got it for less than $15 at a flea market in NYC. The pictures are amazingly sharp. Much easier to get sharp images than from my Pentax 67. Good contrast. The only draw back is the limited shutter speed range for long exposures.
  2. Wedding photography take on a few different forms. There are the candid shots, and the posed shots on the field (church, garden, reception hall). There are also shots done in the studio. I personally do not like the shots done in the studio because the ones I saw tend to look artificial. I also don't like wedding photos that use a lot of flash. Flash tend to make the pictures look "cold". I recently shot a wedding for a friend using my Pentax 67 with mainly available light and a large reflector. I also took action shots with my 35mm with a sophisticated flash system. The results were wonderful. I really like them much better than the ones I saw from my friend's wedding album. This is not to say that other MF system would not be able to do existing light photography. But it just to show that as long as you know the strength and weakness of the system, you can get some wonderful images from it. Can Pentax 67 be use for wedding photography? Sure. I did. You just need to know when, where and how to use it to get the best images.
  3. In Japan the price of the 105mm 2.4 lens is higher than the 90mm 2.8 lens, unlike here in the US. I purchased my 90mm 2.8 there. The 105mm 2.4 here is a bargain compared to Japan. I went with the 90mm because of the size, weight and how it fit in along my other lenses.
  4. Please tell us how you use the P67 600mm. What tripod do you need?

    How's the minimal focus distance in real life? How well is the camera

    balanced with the lens? Are you able to shoot at all shutter speeds?

    If it is able to give sharp and contrasty pictures, the lens seems to

    be a bargain when compared to 35mm 600mm lenses. I have thought about

    using my 35mm body with that lens via an adaptor for some time.

  5. Hi Tom:

    If you are using the auto extnsion tube(set of 3) then you should not turn the lens to manual (thus the name auto). I believe you might do that only for the helicoid extension tube. The TTL meter might actually give a more accurate reading than a hand held incident light meter since the hand held meter does not take the extensions into account. However, the best thing is just try a few shots and figure out the exposure compensation.

  6. I had to make a choice between the two only a while back. Both cameras are capable of good results. The RZ does have more features. You should really try both out in the store. When I got my hands on a RB (the machanical version), I knew right there that its not for me.
  7. Testing my Sunpack 555 in auto mode with a flash meter, I noticed the flash sensor is accurate if the subject is within 8 feet. One stop underexposure if subject distance is a little beyond that.
  8. I am having trouble finding a lab in New York City that does machine prints of 6x7color negative from 120 film. A few places offer to print in 5x5 with cropping. I was told by one of the operators that most places in NYC machine print 6x6 format, fewer do 4.5x6, and nobody does machine prints for 6x7. The reason being most wedding photographers shoot with 6x6. I do know a couple of out of state labs that offer machine prints for 6x7 through mail. Any other suggestions/ recommendations?
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