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Image Comments posted by samscholes

  1. Thank you for your comments everyone.


    I tried uploading a larger version but I must be doing something wrong because it isn't working...


    As far as the composition is concerned I intentionally placed the house just slightly off center because I wanted to include as much of the sky as possible and the path leading to the house.


    Brown is not one of my favorite colors. Being that brown is the dominant color in this photograph I find it quite ugly. I think your intentions in capturing this photograph were good, but I don't care for the end result.

    Daniell and Tom

    While this borders on a typical wedding shot I like what you've done differently here; from increasing contrast and color saturation to choosing a different setting for the image. My only suggestion would have been to include all of their hands at the bottom. Cropping them out doesn't work well, especially in light of the empty space at the top of the frame.


    There is so much depth to his eyes this photograph is truly captivating as Chris noted. I like the up-close perspective you choose for this photograph and the toned down color. Well done.
  2. The strong lines of the steel rope and docking poles work well to lead the eye into this scene. Black and white suited this scene well and I like the tonal values represented. The simplicity of the steel rope and docking poles which lead us into the scene is complimented by the stillness of the water and the minimal background. Did you burn in the photograph at the top to tone down the sky? Or was that caused naturally by the camera?


    I like the use of negative space in this image despite the lack of detail. The warm sunlight streaming into the tunnel illuminating the small human figures is a nice scene.


    Compared to other portraits this stands out to me because it does something different. The surroundings aren't out of the ordinary but they are nonetheless something different then you see in other portraits. The angle you shot the photograph from presents the scene and your subject in a refreshing way. Finally, your subject is posed naturally and has a good expression on his face. I don't mind that he is centered in the frame and actually didn't notice until I read your comment. My only ideas about how this photograph could have been better would have been to include all of his hands in the frame and to provide some more lighting at the left. Otherwise, well done.
  3. You deserve some praise for freezing the motion of the driver in action. I'm not sure I've seen a photograph of someone diving like this before. It makes you wonder about motion a little and is interesting to look at.

    "Color My World"

    I don't think the use of selective color does much for this photograph. If the photograph wasn't so flat and had a more dynamic range of tonal values maybe the selective color would be more fitting. But as it is the selective color only hurts an otherwise less then perfect shot.
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