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Image Comments posted by roy_gumpel

  1. Maybe the basic problem some people here are having is that they look at photo magazines.(and I don't mean Aperture's publications). And the magazines are only here so we will all buy lots of crap we don't ever need. If I were a teacher and Cloudy Forest 2 (or many others) was put before me, I'd say that the 'title' of the photo carries alot more weight than the image. I'm sure that alot of people would be thrilled to see their photos on the cover of Popular Photography, or win a 3rd place in their inane photo contests. Go look at some real photographs folks, like those of Josef Sudek, Koudelka, Roy DeCarava, Atget. Geez. There's a whole world of photography out there that alot of you people haven't the slightest idea about I think. I don't mean to be nasty or a snob. I'm serious. Do yourself and photography a favor and go get inspired by the masters. Do you think that the really good artists sat around talking all the time about how the 105 f2 is better than the f2.5, and that for 'portraits' this or that lens is 'too sharp'. Tell Avedon that his portraits are too sharp. Or Penn. Get away from your gadgets and start making images that are meaningful and have spirit. Show who you are in your work, not just what telephoto lens you just bought on ebay!

    the end.

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