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Posts posted by grainsandpixels

  1. Hi,

    i recently installed cs3 on my mac book pro..


    the problem i am facing is that my images open fine in photoshop, but when i watch the same images in bridge,

    there is wired red color cast on all the images.


    i haven't been able to figure out why this is so?? can any body suggest the same??


    thanks in advance


    p.s. i use eye one display 2 to caliberate monitor and the color space i am using in photoshop is monitor color





  2. Hi,

    I got hold of a second hand canoscan d2400u scanner.

    But the problem was that i didn't got any manuals and drivers with that.

    Drivers i have downloaded from the site, but i need some assistance regarding

    loading film in the holder.


    My question is ,while loading film in the holder, which side the emulsion will

    face and which side the base? Also, if you could provide some tips regarding

    scanning with this scanner, i will be scanning some of my old 6x7 slides and

    negatives, and some of my 4x5 slides with this.


    I searched online and got the manual of the scanner but within that manual it

    specifically mentioned every time that for film scanning, refer to separate

    manual of the holder which despite my search in google, couldnt provide any

    valid link.

    If somebody could also frwd me the link of the holder's manual, that would help

    me alot.




  3. Hi,

    i am ashish ( class of 2006) and i am 26.

    at hallmark age would be the last thing we would consider.my room mate Ken, is 30 and one

    of my good friend in class is 47.and i suppose the oldest student this yr is 63.

    so, donnt worry about age or race or anything like that, i mean , i am from india and i am the

    only Indian out in college but all the students in the college are my friends and we all care

    least about these things.

    welcome to HIP 2007 and good luck.

  4. Hi Jules,

    Sorry for replying a bit late but you know I was still not out of that.

    Let me tell a bit more in detail. I was doing a photography diploma from Pearl academy of fashion, New Delhi which offers this diploma in collaboration with ICPP, Melbourne.

    It was a two yr diploma and for doing my second yr of this course I was supposed to go to Melbourne, to the main ICPP branch. I got my confirmation from college and I had applied for my passport just few days ago, 20th September 2003 to be precise.

    Normally I would have my passport in my hand by 20th October 2003 but it got delayed and delayed?. finally it crossed the date of joining ICPP, Melbourne which was 1st may 2004.hundereds of visits to the passport office, shouting at the regional director didn?t helped a bit though during the passport making process there was no negative point in my confirmation of addresses or other certificates needed.

    Finally I lost that chance of going to Australia. I got a letter from the passport office in mid of June for apology as the only issue was that my file was misplaced by the passport office. I was on the verge of suing the passport authorities for that but just didn?t do it.

    now this ICPP,Melburne had a tie-up with RMIT University, Melbourne that the student who does this two yr diploma from ICPP, will get direct entry into the second yr of their degree programme of 3 yrs.the only condition for that will be that selection for the same will be on the basis of student folio.

    Now, RMIT receives about some thousands of applications for their degree programme every year and they have about 30 seats for their programme .so the competition is tough.

    Now listen to this??..my portfolio was selected by RMIT for their degree programme but just 2 weeks after that I heard the news that ICPP and RMIT tie-up was broken and so RMIT was no longer offering me one yr exemption and was only giving me entry into 1st yr only.

    For me it was the shock of my life. I joined this two yr diploma with the impression that I will do my degree from RMIT and my whole efforts of 2 yrs and planning of 3 yrs just came down like a pack of cards. This happened around November,2004 as I was finishing my diploma in may 2005.

    At this stage spending 3 yrs in Australia seemed a lot to me, time, money etc and also I will be repeating a lot which I have learned already. So I dropped that idea.

    Now till that time I didn?t even knew about Hallmark.

    I again bounced back around Feb. this yr and started looking for other institutes which can provide me the knowledge which I feel I lack and which I want to gain. I looked for lot of institutes and when i saw hallmark?s curriculum?.first reaction was ?.WOW!!!This is what I want, this is what I want to do, there was no second thought and applied for Hallmark.

    Now the day I had my telephonic interview I was extremely confident that I will get admission.

    As I knew that lots of people who go abroad from here to do their further studies and generally they start the process about 16-18 months in advance as for international student it involves a lot of evaluations and lot of documentation and for me it was just 6 months left for this fall session. next morning I went to a consultant here in Delhi and I asked her that this is my case and college part I will look for, I just need visa counseling as it involves a lot of paper work and I am totally dumb in that, I don?t know a thing about visa documents and other things and I just need a bit of counseling. Now, this consultant is one of the biggest consultancy services providers in India with branches all over India.

    After looking at my papers and other things the counselor said?.these were her words I am quoting here?you literally don?t have any chance of getting the visa, if you want to waste your money we can take the money from you ,but very frankly we are telling you that you don?t have any chance of getting the visa??..

    That day I was not carrying my folio with me to show her, and after my question to her that why so she said that because I have few GAP years in my studies, my course is for 10 months only and after 9/11 US embassy is very strict in giving visas to students and your course being of what she said short duration, they will reject my case.

    I asked her that you cannot take my case same as an engineering or medical student.

    After my high school, I was assisting one of the senior most photographer in the industry for 3 yrs, its not gap years, its just a different way of learning, though I was not attending any college or any school, but photography is like that only, it?s a very practical subject and I am sure embassy people will consider this. I told her that as far as I know, the people in the embassy are very intelligent and they take hundreds of interviews on a daily basis and they will be able to differeciate between a person who just wants to go there just because it is United states of America,( and frankly speaking lots of persons from here go there just like that) and between a person who genuinely wants to do this course, to enhance his skills, to gain knowledge which will help him for the rest of his life to earn his bread and butter once he comes back to India. But she was not ready to listen.

    Frankly speaking I was literally demoralized that day that what exactly is wrong with my luck??? has the God lost my luck file same as the passport office did couple of years ago?

    And this was third time, first the ICPP, then RMIT, then this, I was not able to figure out what was happening to my life??

    Then, I came to knew about another lady near my house, who also has a small consultancy and could guide me in all this. I went to her and told her about my case, her reply was?.Ashish, visa is all together a different game, ur luck also plays a major factor in that, there have been cases where a student was granted 100 % of scholarship from Harvard to do his MBA but still his visa was rejected, so its always a matter of trying for things and nothing is guaranteed in this world.

    Then I started preparing for the things and you can imagine what would have been my heart beat rate when I went to embassy for my visa.

    There were 9 counters there at the embassy for visa interview and I was there at the counter number 8, after standing there for ? hr in queue, I was there in front of the embassy counselor prepared for being questioned for everything. she started of with which camera I use, format of negatives I get with my mamiya, cibacrome process (the process used earlier to make prints from slides, also known as reversal process .this process has more or less died today as when we want to make prints from slides today, we just scan the slides and get prints from digital files), to looking at some of my commercial work and asking about my commercial assignments and she even didn?t pointed out this thing that gap in studies or what ever.

    She just gave me a slip and asked me to go to the counter which was on the other side.

    Though I knew I got it as she had kept my passport and my I-20 form and I knew thing that if they reject your visa they simply return your passport and if they keep it, which means that you got it and they will courier your passport at your residential address in 3-4 working days after stamping it. I was moving to the counter she told me and there was one supervisor sitting on the other desk, I asked him, sir, this slip was given to me by the lady and she asked me to go to that counter, so does that mean I got it or I lost it? I knew I was completely silly by doing this but I did it and he said?.you got it! And I came out of embassy and called my counselor from the consultancy services that I got it?then I called my family, few friends and messaged few well wishers. it was already 1 hr since the time I was out of the embassy, and I called my counselor from the consultancy services again that madam, is it sure that I got it? I know at that time I was the silliest person in the world by doing so, but I did it. and she confirmed it?..during all this?.i was not feeling anything as if world had stopped and my senses just stopped working .and when my sister came to pick me up from there in an hour or so, she just hugged me and cried that brother now u will also go and with whom I will fight and I cried a lot??.first time in last 1 hr or so I felt?.yes I am still alive ?..Yes I really got it??yes it was a long long journey till here??..yes in this world a person who can put efforts and is dedicated, can really get things done?and as some body said once?. IF YOU WANT SUCCESS IN LIFE, YOU SHOULD DOUBLE YOUR FAILURE RATE, AND IN MY CASE, I TRIPLED IT!!!









  5. Hi Jules,

    nice to hear from you after long time.

    my things are going fine and visa date has been fixed on 29th june, wednesday, so extremely busy in preparing for that only.hope this last hurdle is also crossed easily.

    as far as room mates are concerned, me still looking for that but frankly speaking havnt been able to devote much time to it because of this visa thing, one thats done , atleast i will be on one side and will move towards that only.


    me got oneaward in photography contest,follow the link to see it.....



  6. Hi,

    actually after seeing the replies posted here about the goods and bads of canon, i have decided to go for nikon only.

    as i mentioned earlier, my digital slr was just going to be a replacement of compact digital, otherwise i wouldnt have thaught of canon at all.

    but still, i thaught that i would be better of buying a nikon only.the few extra features of eos 350d will not stand at all in front of the things i gonna loose in case i move to canon considering i have lots of nikon lenses.

    and as far as my earlier post is concerned regarding you, even i am sorry for that.i just read it and felt that u are just pointing to me without any reason. but now you told me that u didnt mean that and i fully trust u on that and appreciate your concern.thanks very much and rest all things said and done, we are good friends now...:-)

  7. Hi,


    thanks everybody,

    i think i will stay with nikon only rather than moving to canon dslr.

    actually the consideration was that i wanted to buy a digital and being into advanced stage couldnt have been satisfied with a compact digital.so my dslr was in a way replacement for a compact digital.

    and i think the benefits of buying a nikon at this stage would still outnumber the negatives of buying a canon .

    but ,i would still not hesitate to condemn the strong words used by AB in this regard.

    firstly,i mentioned in the question only that this is going to be a stand alone camera with a standard lens.

    if i buy a compact digital .....donnt you think i will be atleast better with a dslr than a compact considering i am in a advance stage of photography.buying a dslr would atlest helped in my commercial work as compared to a compact.

    the qustion here was not moving to canon for always rather it was if i want to buy a dslr instead of compact, should it be canon or nikon.it could have certainly been canon also if the features about canon would have been much beteras explained by few people over here to me .even in this post somebody mentioned that using d70 for fun, contax for different purpose and mamiya for different.

    i strongly appologise if i was not able to make you understand with my post that what was my delima( which probably many people understood and replied in much polite way) but would still not hesitate in way you answered to the post.


  8. Hi,

    I need an advice.

    I have Nikon kit with f100 and f80 and also shoot with my medium

    format mamiya rz67.and have a lot of Nikon lenses and flash gun.

    I want to buy my first DSLR.

    I am divided here between Nikon d70s and canon EOS 350D

    Though as a general rule,I would have gone gor Nikon d70s only,but

    the specifications and featrres of eos 350d stopped me to have a

    further opinion.

    Now, as many of you would have been using digital slrs for long,I

    was just wondering if you could suggest me anything on this.

    If I go for d70s also,I will still loose because of conversion

    factors of lenses.

    If I go for this canon with a standard lens,do you think I still

    will be in better position as compared to having a d70s.

    Please advice.


    p.s. I have Nikon 17-35,24-85,80-400, and sigma macro 105 mm and

    sb28.i would be more happy with a wider option in digital as I shoot

    a lot of landscapes also,but the digital I am gonna use primarily

    for my commercial work and street and pj work.




  9. Hi all,

    me back again....

    i got through everything as far as documents from college are concerned.Today was my TOEFL and it went fine too.

    Now the major thing which is comming for me is deciding about housing.

    As being an international student,i am not sure about the place as such.i cannt even make previsits to the site also,but have few things in mind.would like to share appartment with some body,anybody interested in that,please feel free to mail me or visit my site to know more about me.

    And for people aleady there, i would highly appericiate if i could get somesuggestions.



  10. Hi

    firstly, you donnt need to be jealous...:-) you are always welcome here in India,its just beautiful with full of subjects (photographically). next time you plan a holiday, come here and i will be glad to welcome you all.

    yes, in some of the national parks you go on elephants and in you also have an option of going in an open jeep with a guide.this shot were taken from an a jeep in which me and two other deligates of the workshop i was attending were traveling.i was using my nikon f100 and 80-400 vr lens to take these shots, so distance was not a problem and secondly our guide was an amazing guy and had a lot of knowledge about the places we can probably see the cat.

    staying in tents/hides in the night, away from fast city life,....the whole experience was just divine!

    its already 1:45 am here in Delhi and me dead tired and sleepy, catch you later.


  11. Hi,

    thanks for your comments on my work.actually none of the wildlife photograph has been taken in zoo or captivity,all have been shot in different national parks here in India.

    as far as landscape stuff and other travel stuff consists,i have been traveling in Indian HImalayas since last 3 yrs or so and my trips ranged from 2-3 months alone in my car, as every student friend,used to refuse at the last moment and me just freek about shooting,used to go alone from here (Delhi) to ladakh and it used to take 3 to 4 days to cover all that distance in my car.

    just praying to get my visas cleared,will share all the experiences with you all.:-)



  12. Hi,

    good to see u back,even i was not able to follow up as was busy in the finals in college.just finished that and now busy in preparing for my TOEFL examination which is due early next month.

    i am still avaiting some docs from college to apply for my Visa application .

    and yes, my website is http://www.grainsandpixels.com


    havnt updated since last 2-3 months,just waiting for Toefl to get over and will update the site first



  13. Hi all,

    i just got back my copy of enrolment agreement signed by director and a questionare about the housing i would like to opt for,probably will be sending back the questionare next week.people interested in sharing room,contact me.

    as far as equipment things are concerned,i already have following equipments



    mamiya rz pro 2 body,

    50mm, 110 mm, and 180 mm lens,

    two 6 x 7film backs,

    one polaroid back,

    mirror lock-up cable release,

    most of the filters,

    minolta flash meter 5,

    bogen tripod..


    and i also got full 35mm nikon kit also.


    so going by this,as college requires me to have a digital medium format camera,i would rather prefer to buy a digital back for the mamiya 6 x 7 i already have rather than going for a whole new system.i hope this will work fine for us.i just need some kind of estimate for the digital back i need for my mamiya.And i am sure leaf company makes backs for my mamiya also.so just need some advice on that.

  14. hi natt,

    i really appreciate this response by you.i think any person who wants to enter into any photography school in the world should read this.

    i can very easily identify with what all u said here.

    me myself have been to two photography schools before(both here in new delhi;one was totally thoritical,and other run by icpp,melbourne here as its branch).

    now why i want to come to hallmark this fall???well,as being into two photography schools here(as a matter of fact there are no other schools here in india and not even a single university here offers photography as a major in bachlors).

    my own experiences speak for itself.i am not self promoting myself here but i know that my work was far far better than most of my class mates in both the schools ,but still business wise or job wise,some of the worst students in the class are sitting in top agencies.

    reason:- i am lacking all those business skills to sell my photography.

    at one stage in life i was also at same position as most of artists feel that their job is for the sake of art;they are artists not business men.if they wanted to do business ,they probably would have done some MBA's or started running their dad's business.but few yrs in the commercial field i realized that as i was neglecting that business part,thats the only reason i amlacking behind my mates.

    they might have inborn selling and business skills,but i also need to build on those if i need to survive which could make the final difference between sucess and failure.

    as myself is planning to join hallmark this fall considering that atkleast i will get directions.the problems with other schools have been that there was not even a single module for business part and for a person like me,who knows nothing about marketing and sales part,this could make the actual difference in letting me sell my stacks and stacks of slides and negs which i have clicked during last 7-8 yrs.

    i fully agree with natt that there is nothing as such as spoon feeding will be done in 10 months and you will be sucessful.

    they will give you directions and atleast thats the only thing we should cherish.i am comming prepared for this thing that i will be told the ways,and its upto me how i use them;but the main thing is that ATLEAST I WILL BE TOLD THAT THERE ARE DIRECTIONS.if i have self motivation and capability to do the things,i know i myself will be able to find ways to get results out of it.

  15. As far as finance thing is concerned,i will be able to take care of that part. but the only big fight for me could be getting a student visa for studies in usa. the irony of the matter is that the point that this is a 10 month diploma course, which is positive for me,in that way i will have to stay there for less time and which in turn means less expenses for me ,could go just against me .US govt could suspect me as an illegal immigrant and could refuse me for visa,(according to most of the people i taked to over here)
  16. i have done my two year diploma in photograpy and know some decent

    knowledge about photography.

    though i have good knowdge about photography but feel that i lack

    the business sense and practices associated with advertising or

    commercial photography world.(speaking out of experience with doing

    some commercial assignments).

    i would like to do some course in advertising/ advertising

    photography which could help me in getting all this cutting edge

    knowledge to servive.

    first thing would be whether should i do a one yr course in

    advertising or in advertising photography course ?????i would like

    to add some thing to myskills in this field as i felt a stong need

    in me for this .

    doing a 3 yr course will not be feasible for me at this stage but

    cando a one yr course anywhere in world???

    could you please advice me on which course/university and where

    should i go for this which fulfills my requirements?

    thanks in advance


    P.S. you can access some of my work at www.grainsandpixels.com

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