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Posts posted by elliotswanson

  1. Vinegar is a huge YEP!


    I had a very stuck door, tried various methods and then went for the vinegar.


    The key is to use VERY hot vinegar - just shy of boiling. I used a syringe and needle to force inject around the edges and waited a few minutes. I took a tool to pry the door and Bam! It slid open. Messy, ugly and rough, yes - worked fabulously with no damage to flash.


    After opening the case and prying out the terribly corroded batteries, I used more hot vinegar to scrub contacts, filed of what I could and after a finish wipe down with alcohol, drying and new batteries, all is well. I saved hundreds of dollars with vinegar!


    Don't listen to the vinegar protesters, vinegar WORKS GREAT. I know because I just did it. Remember the key is HOT vinegar and injecting under the cover + patience. Vinegar also removes limescale on anything - as long as it's too hot to touch comfortably. Soak it, spray it or wipe it on - it's a miracle substance if you know how to use it!


    just now by Just Me

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