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Posts posted by eaw8r8

  1. What happens on the manual setting, shutter speed-wise? You may be looking at getting a handheld meter. Besides, those metered finders aren't wildly accurate anyway. Not a huge loss since that set-up was never exactly a 120 p&s camera.


    Manually it fires fine. Today I simply metered through the finder and set the shutter speed manually instead of using automatic and it fired correctly.

  2. I recently got a Mamiya 645 Pro. It worked fine for the first couple of rolls of film that I shot but recently I've run into a problem. The shutter won't fire on auto-shutter speed anymore. The camera came with the in viewfinder meter and it has been firing when set to "A" but suddenly stopped. As far as I can tell the meter is still working fine, so I can just meter with it and then set my shutter speed manually, but I'm a bit concerned that something that was working suddenly stopped.


    Do y'all have any ideas on how to fix this issue or if there are any (relatively cheap) repair shops in the U.S. working on cameras during the pandemic?



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