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Posts posted by alejandrorico-gomez

  1. Hi everyone!


    I have the opportunity to buy a hasselblad 501cm kit and a phase one H20 digital back for a very low price. I am, however, in the process of trying to find info on actually using the back (noting its age). For software, I am assuming that the current version of capture one will be the best (only?) way to go, as the back requires tethering. For power, I have a 15 inch macbook pro running macosx 10.14.6. Using the firewire to lighting and then lightning to USB-C adapters, will I have a sufficient power supply? I also understand that there are ways to externally power the back, but I can't find very specific information on what that would look like or what things I need to do this. Lastly, regarding portability, I understand that the back must be tethered to my computer, but I'm assuming that would allow me to connect it and throw my laptop in my backpack for a portable (within the limitations of laptop battery-life) setup. Is there anything I'm overlooking in this assumption? I will almost always be shooting on a tripod, so it wouldn't be a deal breaker if I had to actually set my laptop up each time, but it would be nice to have the option of keeping my laptop in the bag, if nothing else just so that I don't have to pull out a 15" "Rob Me" sign whenever I set up the camera.


    I have been shooting with medium and large format for about 3 years, I currently use an Rb67 pros for medium format and a Sinar P for 4x5 and 5x7. After some time with a borrowed 5d, digital has been more and more appealing to me, but I don't feel like I'd switch to any considerable amount of digital work. Thus, having the capability to put a digital back on a hasselblad seems like a good way to play around with digital in a somewhat familiar workflow.


    Thanks for reading!

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