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Posts posted by federicomastrianni

  1. Hi,


    Actually, the newest Serial Numbers 251xxxxx and above seem to be the latest batch with all the little "tweaks". However,…while the body may have the newer serial number,…remember, the MB-21 that would say “Ni-Cd”, (as opposed to KR-AA on the old ones), and the DP-20, (with or without the flash locking hole), are separate. The Japanese sellers, (usually good guys), are infamous for “mixing and matching” parts. So,…check for the hotshoe locking hole first, and Ni-Cd designation for the MB part when buying And if your viewfinder gets lower LCD bleed, just buy a new DP-20. (the lower LCD's are on the viewfinder, and can be fixed by replacing the viewfinder. The upper LCD's, as well as the LED for focus confirmation, are actually in the body itself) Also, many photographers use AA lithium batteries in their F4. This is not recommended by Nikon because the original voltage of lithium batteries when new are quite high and they have a tendency toward voltage fluctuations (more than 1.5 V). NiMh batteries are also not recommend by the factory, although many have no problem using them. Nikon believes that using either lithium or NiMh batteries can greatly shorten the life of the camera, and damage can occur in long run. I'll just end with, I shot with the F5's for years. While slightly better, the covering on the two I had kept "bubbling". My greasy Sicilian fingers prefer my F4's.

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