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Posts posted by jasonaldean

  1. The most successful photographers (and other artists or writers in general) aren't necessarily the most creative or skilled, but are those who are the best salesmen and marketers of their work. So if you're wanting further education I would suggest learning marketing and sales techniques.


    I completely agree with you. But there are also those who manage to take good photos, but marketing and sales are not their element.

  2. I go to a pretty well known/renowned art school in the california bay area and majoring in photography. Recently I’ve been pretty dissatisfied with my education, both what I’ve learned in school and with what the actual value of my degree would be.


    My parents are quite adamant about me continuing school, and believe that I need one in order to start a career.


    Right now I’m considering leaving school (it’s my first year) and finding jobs in my area centered around photography. I’ve found quite a few that I’m qualified for and could pursue. My dad says that these jobs are there to pay the bills as opposed to make a career and I believe that they add up on a portfolio and resume and will lead to building a career better than just sitting in a classroom all day.


    I’m not exactly looking for validation, but I’m stressed right now, and I know my parents don’t have any real idea of photography as a career, and I need to make sure I’m not making some massive mistake.


    There are other things contributing to it as well, school has taken a massive toll on my mental health to the point where it can be difficult for me to find the will to leave bed.

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