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Posts posted by drsilver

  1. Yesterday, groundhog day, palindrome day, Super Bowl Sunday, was the first day it didn't rain in western Washington this year. I been taking on indoor projects lately.


    I outfit my hobbies with mostly used gear. Finding that gear is part of the hobby. I've always been amazed at the consistently low quality pictures of used photo equipment on Ebay and Craigslist and the like. You spent some real money on a kick-ass piece of kit, I assume you know how to work it even a little bit. But when you need to sell it, you throw it on the couch and shoot it with your phone. Front and back, like you're cashing a check. Jeez, take some ownership, man. At least find some light that'll show it off. And that goes double for review pictures on Amazon. Universally horrible.


    I got a box of stuff I been meaning to sell. Hobby fund is in the hole. Took an evening to make ad shots. Examples herewith.










    This is my first post on this site. Registration demanded 5 photos. Do these work?

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