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Posts posted by norakharma

  1. I can probably send you one of mine - depending on what you are looking for, of course. In what region to you live? If you like it you can refund me the postage. If you don't like it, well, give it to someone else.


    Also, do you want me to ask people on another site about this image? Maybe they can offer some ideas. The image itself can't be saved but the weird lines might be able to be cleaned.

    Hello again,


    Sorry for taking the time in getting back to all of you, i've been away with not much access to my internet. I want to thank you guys again for keeping the advice coming etc.


    Karim, i live in Dubai, UAE. not sure if you'd be able to send your camera. I'm just looking for a simple film camera, nothing too fancy.

    It would be great if you could ask anyone if they could edit the pictures. I have a few others that would need editing and not sure where i could get them edited and get the image visible as the grainy effect and lines are taking over the whole image.

  2. If that is a scan of a print that they made, there might be more in the negative that you could get out.

    (Including removing fingerprints on the negative.)


    But very underexposed leaves little in the negative. I suspect that if you look at the negative,

    you won't even see how it could get that much out of it. Color negatives have a gamma of

    about 0.5, so that density changes, on the usual log scale, are about half the density

    change you might expect.


    If you look at the negatives, you will find if it is just this one frame that is bad, or all of

    the frames on the roll.



    I checked the rolls and they are orange with barely any images on them. I am so upset as i lost most of the images. And there's nothing we can do to fix them.


    I wanted to ask if anyone knows where i can buy a good film camera 35MM that's not super expensive.


    Thank you,

  3. It is more difficult to judge color negatives by look, but if they look mostly like a

    clear orange, with little darkness, they are likely way underexposed.


    The flash range on these cameras is about 6 feet (or 2m in metric countries).

    If you are a lot more than that, they will be very underexposed.


    Also, you could accidentally block the flash with your hand.


    A good lab should not put fingerprints on the negatives. If this was scanned or printed by

    the lab, and not touched by you, that is a bad sign for the lab.


    Many labs put negatives in plastic sleeves. Scanning a negative still in the sleeve

    might look bad, possibly with lines. A few scratches along a negative are not unusual,

    from dust in the camera for example. But not like this one shows.


    Is this a scan of the negative, or from a print? Scanned by the lab or you?

    Good scanner or cheap scanner?



    So basically i just give the disposable camera to the photography center and they do the full job. From developing the images to printing them.


    If they're underexposed, they're nothing we can do at this point right? It would be too late?

  4. Thank you all for your feedback and advice.

    I've actually used around 10 disposable cameras last year and all the images came out good.

    I use disposables because i love the old effect it has which i can't get on a digital camera unless i do some editing. I've used the same center that developed all my picture but this time they came out really bad. I've called them and told them that all my pictures came out super dark with all these lines going through etc and they said it's not their fault because they usually develop multiple cameras at a time and said that they're other clients didn't complain and that it's most probably my camera that was bad. I actually had light & flash most of the time it was never pitch dark and tried to take a picture because it's obvious that the picture won't be clear etc. I am now thinking maybe it's better if i try to develop them myself and get the developing kit.


    Do you have the negative? That would be a big step. If you do, go to the film & processing forum and people there will be happy to help you out, at least as far as scanning goes. They can tell you how to clean the negative, too.


    If the photos are important, let me know. I can ask on another forum where people have access to more sophisticated tools. Perhaps nobody can help you directly, but you might get really good advice.


    Regarding the negatives, i still have them. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but if the negatives are dirty, would i be able to clean them and then print them again? Would that help in getting a clearer image?



    Thank you all again for your time & advice!


  5. Hello,


    I have recently got my images developed ( using disposable cameras) and they outcome wasn't as good as i wanted them to be. They were all very dark, some of them were even black, and they almost all had these white lines going through them. I'm new to film but i think it is a mix of grain, noise and lines which is making it super hard for me to even edit the brightness on Photoshop.


    Do you know why the pictures are coming out like that? Could that be a problem with the camera itself? or what is developed badly? If so could i get it re-developed? And how can i edit it on photoshop to make it look "normal"


    Thank you!




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